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毕 业 设 计 中文题目 网络负载均衡在现代企业中的实现与应用 Network load balancing?implementation and application?in modern enterprises 2015 年 2 月 26 日 毕业设计诚信声明书 本人郑重声明:在毕业设计工作中严格遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范;我所提交的毕业设计是本人在 指导教师的指导下独立研究、撰写的成果,设计中所引用他人的文字、研究成果,均已在设计中加以说明;在本人的毕业设计中未剽窃他人的学术观点、思想和果 本设计和资料若有不实之处,本人愿承担一切相关责任。 学生签名: 年 月 日 网络负载均衡在现代企业中的实现与应用 【摘 要】21世纪以来随着Internet和Intranet的高速发展,网络给人类生活带来很大的便利,人们在生活中越来越离不开网络了。每天都有几十亿的人在用到网络,网上购物、网上订餐,甚至连水费、电费都可以通过简单的链接几分钟搞定。而在这背后却是企业网络承受的压力越来越大。例如 Network load balancing?implementation and application?in modern enterprises 【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, along with the rapid development of Internet and Intranet, the network has brought great convenience to human life. Today the Internet has become something essential in our work and daily life. Billions of people are online every day, such as online shopping, online meal ordering, and even the payment of water and electricity are available through a simple link in a few minutes, which result that the pressure on the corporate network is growing. For example, the turnover of Tmall which is under Alibaba Group reached 57.1 billion in November 11th,2014, and completed 278 million transactions within 24 hours in that day. Even more, the trading in the first hour that day amounted to 12.2 billion, and the number of transactions reached 62.83 million, this incredible data reflect the number of people who access to the server in one-hour is so huge, which will result in server congestion and network paralysis. However, there is no hardware can meet so many needs successfully. Thus the network load balancing technology is born to solve these problems. 【Keyword】Interne,?network?development,?network load balancing 目录 第一章 引言 1 第二章项目分析 2 1 需求分析 2 2 可行性分析 2 3 使用方案 3 4本章小结 3 第三章 概要设计 4 1设计目标 4 2网络拓扑图 4 3服务器群集与负载均衡 5 4本章小结 5 第四章 服务器群集的搭建 7 1 Active Directory域控制器的搭建 7 1.1 AD的安装 7 1.2 服务器加入域 15 2 DHCP服务器的配置 18 3 群集的创建 21 3.1 群集的创建 21 4 本章小结 24 第五章 服务器负载均衡的搭建与测试 25


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