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Hey, Game Developer! Do you struggle to make your code hang together into a cohesive whole? Find it harder to make changes as your codebase grows? Feel like your game is a giant hairball where everything is intertwined with everything else? Wonder if and how design patterns apply to games? Hear things like “cache coherency” and “object pools”, but don’t know how to use them to make your game faster? I’m here to help! Game Programming Patterns is a collection of patterns I found in games that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster. This is the book I wish I had when I started making games, and now I want you to have it. It’s available in four formats: eBook 游戏编程模式中文版 Meticulously tuned CSS looks great on as many readers as I could get my hands on. Full-color syntax highlighting. Works great offline! Web Read Now Responsive design looks great on your desktop browser, tablet, or phone. Free! Absolutely zero cost! Seriously, did I mention the price, or lack thereof? Frequently Asked Questions Do the different versions have different content? Nope! Each format has every chapter in full, every illustration, and all of the asides you know and love. Even the free web version. Which version pays you the most? First of all, thank you for caring about this! Since I selfpublished, I set the prices so that the royalties are about the same for each format. (I also get the lion’s share of the money since there’s no publisher taking a cut.) Buy the format you want and I’ll get paid pretty much the same either way. If you want to give me money, but don’t actually want a physical book, consider giving it to a friend or your local library. I get money, you feel good, and someone gets a free book! If I buy the print edition, can I get the eBook cheaper? Readers Say “If you’re a game dev programmer you need to add this site to your list of resources.” — Ryan Leonski “I can’t overstate how completely brilliantly written Game Programming Patterns is. And I’m only on chapter 2


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