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lose one's mind 什么意思?怎么解释? lose one's mind的意思是抓狂、发疯、失去理智。常见的有lose my mind,lose?your mind等等。 ? 来看例句: Taking a child on a motorbike without a helmet! Have you completely lost your mind? 骑摩托车带孩子却不带头盔,你是不是疯了? ? Do you lose your mind? You want to marry that guy? 你一定是昏了头吧?你想嫁给那个家伙? ? ? The stress of this movie is making me feel like i'm losing my mind.? 这部电影给我的压力使我抓狂。 ? He was not the only prisoner to lose his mind. 他不是唯一一个失去理智的囚犯。 ? I/he/she wasn't born yesterday!什么意思? I wasn't born yesterday意思就是说我又不傻,没那么容易被骗,就像中文里面的“我又不是三岁小孩儿”。 ? 俚语词典里面是这样解释的:something that you say in order to tell someone that a person is not stupid and cannot be easily deceived ? 例句: Come on! I wasn't born yesterday! 拜托!我又不是三岁小孩! ? You can't expect your mother to believe that - she wasn't born yesterday! 你别指望你妈会相信,她没那么容易上当。 ?英语习惯用语:clear the air clear the air 的本意是使空气清新,使空气流通。 例句:Open some windows and clear the air. It's stuffy in here. 开窗通通风吧,这里空气污浊。 ? 然而很多情况下意思是澄清事实,消除误会,消除紧张(或误解、疑虑、担忧等)气氛。 例句: Although I’m still upset with Jenny for what she did, I plan to call her and clear the air. 虽然我还是对Jenny说的话耿耿于怀,但我还是决定打电话给她解除误会。 ? All right, let's discuss this frankly. It'll be better if we clear the air. 好吧,我们都说实话。把事情讲清楚会更好。 ? If we want to keep this customer, we must have a meeting to clear the air about the recent customer complaints. 如果我们要留住这个客户,我们必须约他们面谈,澄清误会,解决近期出现的客户投诉问题。 card shark:玩牌老手;玩牌好手 card shark怎么解释? 这句美国口语的意思是玩牌老手,玩牌好手,以赌牌为生的人,老千。等同于cardsharp。 ? card shark - a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games ? 例句 You're really a card shark. 你真是个打牌老手。 ? The card shark is caught by the police. 这个老千被警察逮到了。 ? Jim has been a card shark for many years! 吉姆做老千已经很多年了。 nice try:意思是想得美,有讽刺意味 今天我们介绍的常用口语是Nice Try,表面上好像是在夸别人“做得好、干的漂亮”,而多数情况下意思是“想得美、得了吧”,是一种反讽。 ? 另外,当别人很努力做某事却失败的时候,你也可以拍拍肩膀对他说Nice try,这时就有鼓励、安慰的意思了。所以大家要把握好说话的语境。 ? 例句: Nice try. I wasn't born yesterday, you know. 想得美。我又不是三岁小孩儿。 ? Nice try, but do you think I would believe that? 得了吧,你觉得我会相信吗? stand a chance:意思是


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