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第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 Class:__________ Group: __________ NO. __________ Name: __________ Originated Mr. Dragon Revised Mr. Zhou & Ms Luo Studying task: the recognition of OC Studying aim: the use of OC Self education: Task1:基本概念[来源:Z,xx,k.Com] 英语的五个基本结构 S 十 V 主谓结构 He runs quickly.他跑得快。 S 十 V 十 P 主系表结构The story sounds interesting.这个故事听起来有趣。 S 十 V 十 O 主谓宾结构They built a house last year.他们去年建了一所房子。 S 十 V 十 O1 十 O2主谓双宾结构He offered me his seat / his seat to me.他把座位让给我。 S 十 V 十 O 十 C 主谓宾补结构 They found her happy that day.他们发现那天她很高兴。 I found him out.我发现他出去了。 They named the boy Charlie.他们给这个男孩起名为查理。 I saw him come in and go out.我见他进来又出去。 They felt the car moving fast.他们感到汽车行驶得很快。 He found the door of study closed to him.他发现研究所的大门对他关闭了。 说明: S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;O1=间接宾语;O2=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语 一、可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有: 1、名词: We made him our monitor. They thought this good advice. They named their daughter Jenny. 注①:常用名词充当宾语补足语的动词有: call, name, elect, make, think, appoint, choose, find, consider, keep, wish, feel等。 注②:充当宾语补足语的名词若表示正式的或独一无二的头衔、职位时,前面一般不用冠词 They elected John chairman of the committee. 2、形容词: You should keep your room clean and tidy. [来源:学。科。网] We’d better leave the door open. 注:常用形容词充当宾语补足语的动词有:believe, think, get, keep, make, find, set, like, wish, see, consider, prove, have, leave, 以及paint, drive, turn, cut 等。 3、现在分词: I’m sorry to have you waiting for so long. I could feel the cold wind blowing on my face.[来源:学科网] At this moment she noticed the teacher coming in. 二、宾语和其补足语之间的逻辑关系:[来源:Z*xx*k.Com] 1、当名词、形容词、副词和介词短语充当宾语补足语时,它们和宾语之间有着逻辑上的主谓关系(或称表???关系),若无宾语补足语,则句意不完整。宾语补足语说明宾语的情况、性质、特征、状态、身份或属类等。试比较: We made him our monitor. (He is our monitor.) You should keep your room clean and tidy. (Your room is clean and tidy.) We could hear the children playing outside. (The children are playing outside.) 3、当过去分词充当宾语补足语时,它与宾语之间有着动宾关系,即:宾语是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者,如: I once heard this song sung i


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