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湖北文理学院 毕业设计(论文) 论文(设计)题目 汽车驾驶疲劳的综合评定及缓解策略研究               学 院  孔明学院????????????            专 业    车辆工程??????????????           班 级    诸葛亮1212班???          姓 名    胡聪?????????????????????        学 号    2012197238?????????       指导教师  朱文利?????????????????       2016年 5月15 日  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 汽车驾驶疲劳的综合评定及缓解策略研究 摘要:分析我国最近几年道路交通事故原因发现,约85%的交通事故是由于驾驶员个人因素造成的,其中疲劳驾驶是驾驶人员肇事的???要原因之一。因此对驾驶员及车辆状态进行实时监测,开展旨在降低驾驶员肇事事故率,提高驾驶员安全可靠性的研究具有十分重要的学术和现实意义。本文先从查阅数据为依据着手,阐述了疲劳驾驶的危险性,总结国内外对疲劳驾驶的研究现状,学习国内外对疲劳驾驶建立的模型和测定方法,得出疲劳驾驶产生的原因和机理。针对目前对疲劳驾驶研究的过于理论化,成本高,比较分散的不足之处,在前人的研究基础上提出了自己的安卓手机评定方法和预防措施,提高了疲劳驾驶预警效率,但也存在不足,改善不大。今后须从人-车-道路-环境-医学的发展趋势系统研究着手,结合科技更深入研究疲劳驾驶。 关健词:疲劳驾驶;生成模型;测定方法;安卓手机;发展趋势  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III Comprehensive evaluation and mitigation strategy of vehicle driving fatigue Abstract: Analysis of the road traffic accidents in China in recent years found that about 85% of the traffic accidents are caused by the driver's personal factors, including fatigue driving is one of the main drivers of the accident. So it is very important to study the driver and the vehicle condition in real time, to reduce the accident rate and to improve the safety and reliability of the driver. Firstly from the data access based on hands, explains the dangers of driving fatigue, summary domestic and foreign research status of driving fatigue, learning at home and abroad on the establishment of the model and evaluation method of fatigue driving, it is concluded that the cause and mechanism of fatigue driving. In view of the current to the study of fatigue driving too theoretical, high cost, scattered shortcomings, on the basis of previous research proposed own Android phone assessment methods and preventive measures, improve the fatigue driving early warning efficiency, but also has some disadvantages, little improvement. In the future, from the people - car - Road - environment - medical system research, combine



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