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用英文写十句新年计划 :英文 新年 计划 写十句 用英文介绍自己 用英文写毕业计划 英文写的我的婚礼计划 篇一:新年计划-英文版 As the winter is coming, I have a plan about my vacation, First, I want to do something good for my study and i plan to prctice writing I#39;ll learn to cook beacause of i like delicious food very much I#39;ll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports I#39;m going to help my mom and dad with the housework As for travelling, I#39;m planning to go to japan. But whether going there or not will be decided on my parents 又到新年决心的时间了。但是值得去做这些决心吗? 当新年越来越近,就是人们制定新年计划的时候了。这些将会保证你过一个更好的生活:减肥,吃更多的健康食品,锻炼以及其他。问题是下决心要在1月之前开始。是否值这样做呢? 任何人都会赞同使新年决心变成一个程序。至于是否遵从决心并不重要。就如在感恩节吃火鸡。像下了决心之后又像往常一样了。 有一种生活方式可以消除新年决心的这种欺骗。 The time for New Year resolutions is here again. But is it worth the pain to make resolutions? As the New Year gets closer, it is the time for people to make resolutions. There will promises about living a better life: losing weight, eating more healthy foods, exercising and more. The problem is that these resolutions don抰 travel beyond January. Is it worth it at all? One will agree that making New Year resolutions have become a formality. It doesn抰 matter whether they are followed or not. It is just like eating turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Like goes on as usual after a resolution is made. There is a way of living that can remove the deception of New Year resolution. Be frank with yourself There is no need deceiving yourself. If you know very well you don抰 carry out New Year resolutions, don抰 make one at all. You give yourself too much guilty conscience by making promises that you can抰 keep. It reduces your self esteem as you turn to see yourself as good for nothing. Be frank with yourself and free your mind from the gimmick. Live everyday as if there is no other The division of time into years and moths are human. Free yourself from these artificial creations and live like a person. New Years will come and go. Nothing makes January 1 more special tha


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