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2013届高三英语 人机对话Part B Role-Play专项练习 为什么Pedro从来没有说起Michael呢? Why doesn’t Pedro ever talk about Michael? Pedro过去总是和Michael在一起吗? Did Pedro use to spend much time with Michael? Pedro 后来试着联系过Michael吗? Did Pedro try to call Michael later? Grant 告诉Eve这个消息没? Did Grant tell Eve about the news? Grant为什么喜欢Darryl Morgan的音乐呢? Why does Grant like Darryl Morgan’s music? Krista 为什么给Grant这张Darryl Morgan的CD呢? Why did Krista give Grant the CD by Darryl Morgan? Michelle与牙医的约定为什么这么重要呢? Why is this dental appointment so important to Michelle? Michelle期待这次约会吗? Is Michelle looking forward to the date? Juanita会给Bob打电话吗? Will Juanita call Bob? Jeff的父亲发生了什么事儿? What happened to Jeff’s father? Jeff的父亲现在怎么样了? How is Jeff’s father now? Bill能到医院来吗? Could Bill come to the hospital? 购物时广告会对Jane的选择产生影响吗? Does advertising have an influence on the choices Jane makes when she is shopping? Jane 对公益广告怎么看? What’s Jane’s opinion on the public service advertisements? Leo是哪国人? What nationality is Leo? Leo各门课程学的好吗? Does Leo do well in his courses? Leo认为Mr. Dunham怎么样? What does Leo think about Mr. Dunham? Janet在牛津大学学习多长时间了? How long has Janet been studying at Oxford? Janet与别人相处得好吗? Does Janet get along well with the others? Janet习惯那儿的生活吗? Does Janet get used to the life there? Rachel 怎么看待考试前为了复习熬通宵? What does Rachel think about studying all night for exams? Rachel 有没有考试不及格过? Did Rachel ever fail an exam? Rachel 和Leon 一般谁考得好? Who usually gets a higher grade, Rachel or Leon? 你梦中的家是怎么样子? What is your dream home like? 你希望家里有几台电视呢? How many TVs would you like to have in our house? 你还想再看一些公寓吗? Would you like to look at some more apartments? 你以前做过类似的工作吗? Have you ever done this kind of work before? 你有继续教育的打算吗? Do you have any plans on further study? 你可以加班吗? Can you work overtime? 我可以给您捎口信吗? May I take a message? 您想再约吗? Would you like to make another appointment? 您需要Mr. Thomas给您回电话吗? Do you want Mr. Thomas to call you back? 无线网怎么样? How about the wireless Internet? 如果我们有需要洗的衣物怎么办呢? What if I have any laundry? 我的房间怎么


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