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国际航空运输协会(IATA)数据显示,土耳其国有航空企业-土耳其航空公司以180架运营飞机机队列全球航空企业第14位。预计,土航今年底机队规模将达200架,明年底将达212架。土航总部位于伊斯坦布尔,目前开通国际航线150条,国内航线41条,停靠欧洲、亚洲、非洲、美洲187座机场。名列全球航空企业第一位的是美国达美航空公司(American Delta Airlines),机队规模770架;第二位是德国汉莎航空公司(Lufthansa Airlines),机队规模696架;第三位是美国联邦快递(FedEx,FederalExpress),机队规模654架。 公司计划在2013年能够运营180个目的站。公司绝大部分扩张主要集中在如何开拓国际航线上,如今国际业务客源量占总运输量50%,但占总客运总收入的75%。国际客运量从2003年5.4百万人次上升至2007年9.7百万人次。 土耳其航空公司的最大市场是欧洲(包括独联体国家),欧洲业务收入占据国际客运收入份额39%。“我们将继续关注这个市场。从客运量和收费客公里RPK而言,增长平均达到10%。我们发现了开辟许多新航线的机会,主要是二线城市。”前往远东的国际客运收入占17%,中东的占11%。   Top 10 European carriers operating to/from China: Aug-2011 Carrier Seats Destinations in China/Hong Kong Lufthansa 29,568 Beijing Guangzhou Hong Kong Nanjing Shanghai Qingdao - future destination Shenyang- future destination Air France 17,820 Beijing Guangzhou Hong Kong Shanghai Pudong KLM 16,876 Beijing Chengdu Guangzhou Hangzhou Hong Kong Shanghai Pudong Xiamen Aeroflot 13,812 Beijing Hong Kong Shanghai Pudong Guangzhou – Planned Sanya - Planned Turkish Airlines 10,608 Beijing Guangzhou Hong Kong Shanghai British Airways 7,922 Beijing Hong Kong Shanghai Finnair 7,612 Beijing Hong Kong Shanghai Chongqing – future destination Other 21,244   The Turkey to China market is strong. According to IATA BSP data, over 5.6 million passengers flew between Europe and China in the past year (April 09-10) with Turkish Airlines having just a 3% of this market. The table below illustrates the top 10 carriers by passenger share between Europe and China Turkish Airlines will see itself as primarily competing against the Gulf carriers, specifically Emirates,Qatar and Etihad, in order to capture the traffic flows from Europe and Africa to China. The table below shows a comparison of the Turkish network to China against Emirates and Etihad. IATA BSP data shows that Guangzhou is a popular destination from Europe, with over 265,000 passengers travelling there between April 09-10. Over 71,000 of these passengers flew on the non-stop services that are available from Euro


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