外研版高一英语必修4module 6课件2.ppt

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外研版高一英语必修4module 6课件2

* Listening and vocabulary Guess the Chinese meaning of the words according to the pictures. Volcanic eruption crater dust cloud nuts galaxy meteorite seeds Some words related to dinosaurs Complete the sentences with the words below. adapt, climate, disappear, extinct, evolve, survive 1.The ______of a country is the type of weather it has. climate 2. If an animal or plant is ______, it existed a long time ago but doesn’t exist now. 3. When things _________, they no longer happen or exist. 4. When people or animals _______, they don’t die after an accident or an illness. extinct disappear survive 5. If you can______ to something, you can change in order to make the situation better. 6. When animals or plants ______, they change and develop over a long period of time. adapt evolve Discussion 1.How much do you know about dinosaurs? 2.Have you ever seen any films or read any books about dinosaurs? What interests you most? 3. In your opinion, why dinosaurs disappeared from the earth? Give your reasons. Open answers Work in pairs and answer the questions about dinosaurs. (Listen and check) 1.Dinosaurs ruled the earth for about ______million years. A. two B. twenty C. two hundred 2.They ate ____. A. plants B. meat C. both plant and meat 3. They became extinct ______years ago. A. 600,000 B. 6 million C. 66 million 4. Their nearest relatives today are ____. A. birds B. fish C. mammals Tapescript Good afternoon, and welcome to this week’s edition of Mysteries of Nature. Today’s topic is a big one-it’s dinosaurs, those strange creatures which ruled the earth for no less than two hundred million years, some of them were plant eaters, others were like the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex, carnivores who lived off meant and who attacked the more peaceful plant eating dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurs were big—some were the size of chickens, and in fact the closest things t


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