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多种病因引起的长期反复发作性的大脑功能失调。其特征为发作时大脑局部病灶神经元突发性的异常高频放电并向周围组织扩散,出现短暂的大脑功能失调。表现为突然发作性的短暂的运动、感觉、意识和植物神经功能异常,可伴有脑电图改变。癫的治疗应长期用药,以减少或防止发作,但不能根治。 第 16 章学习结束 END! 第16章 抗癫药及抗惊厥药 Chapter 16 Antiepileptic and Anticonvulsant 广西医科大学 黄仁彬 The characteristic event of epilepsy is the seizure(often associated with a convulsion), which is caused by abnormal high-frequency discharge of some group of neurons, starting locally and spreading to a varying extent to affect other part of the brain. Current drug therapy is effective in 70%~80% of patients. 第一节 抗癫药 Epilepsy 癫 anti-epileptic drugs (*preferred) conscious disturbance and psychiatric symptom with often involuntary movement, such as shake head, lasting for 0.5~2min; the same drugs mentioned above; 2. complex partial seizures (psychomotor epilepsy) carbamazepine*, valproate, clonazepam, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone, antiepilepsirine, lamotrigine; involuntary muscle contraction and abnormal sensory experience without loss of consciousness, seizures lasting for 20~60 sec; 1. simple partial seizures partial seizures clinical features types of epilepsy Table 16-1 (1) Types of Epilepsy and Anti-epileptic Drugs carbamazepine*, phenytoin, valproate, phenobarbital, primidone, vigabatrin, lamotrigine, antiepilepsirine; status epilepticus: diazepam* (i.v.); immediate loss of consciousness with generalized tonic-clonic convulsion, lasting for a few minutes. Seizures lasting for longer time is termed as status epilepticus; 1. tonic-clonic seizures (grandmal) and status epilepticus anti-epileptic drugs (*preferred) generalized seizures the same drugs mentioned above; partial seizures is followed by tonic-clonic seizures without loss of consciousness, lasting for 1~2min; 3. partial seizures with following tonic-clonic seizures clinical features types of epilepsy Table 16-1 (2) Types of Epilepsy and Anti-epileptic Drugs ethosuximide*, clonazepam, valproate, nitrazepam, clobazam;


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