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第18 卷 第1 期 化 学 物 理 学 报 Vol. 18 ,No. 1 2005 年2 月 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Feb. 2005 1003-77 13/ 2005/ 01-019-5 随机的长程关联对耦合细胞体系中 钙信号传导的作用* 张季谦, 侯中怀, 辛厚文** (中国科学技术大学化学物理系,合肥 230026 ) 摘 要: 利用Euler 数值积分的方法,研究了随机的长程关联对耦合细胞体系中钙信号传播的影响,发现当细 胞链中第一个单元受到外界刺激的作用时,由此而引起的钙点火活动会进一步激发其邻近的细胞,在随机连接的 作用下,钙信号就会在整个链中向下传递. 结果表明,在该体系中加上少量的随机连接不仅能够极大地增强细胞 之间钙信号的传播能力,而且,适量的这种连接也可以使整个体系的钙离子振荡的有序性得到加强. 这些现象表 明,细胞之间的随机扩散联系可能在帮助生物体系进行信息传递的过程中起着十分重要的作用. 关键词: 随机长程关联;耦合体系;有序性 O664 文献标识码:A 中图分类号: Influence of Random Long-range Connections on Ca2 + Signal Propagation in Coupled Cell Systems * Zhang Jiqian , Hou Zhonghuai , Xin Houwen ** (Dep artment of Chemical Physics ,University of Science and Technology of China ,Hef ei ,230026 ) Abstract The effect of random long-range connections (shortcuts )on Ca2 + signal propagation in the coupled cell chain is investigated by using the Euler method. It is found when the first cell is subjected to the external stimuli , the firing activity is triggered and then its neighboring cells excited ,then the Ca2 + signal may propagate along the chain helped by the shortcuts ,indicating the shortcuts can enhance intercellular Ca2 + signal propagations signifi- cantly . In addition ,it is also found that there is an optimal level of randomness where the shortcuts can enhance the regularity of Ca2 + oscillations in the whole system. These results suggest that shortcuts among the cells may play a constructive role in helping the cell information propagating. Keywords Random long-range connections ,Coupling syst


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