第二章 个体健康评估(国外英文资料).doc

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第二章 个体健康评估(国外英文资料)

第二章 个体健康评估 Chapter ii the individual health assessment The individuals in the first family environment The role of the individual in the family Individual family roles is the specific identity of the individual in the family, on behalf of its functions should be performed in the family, reflects its relative position in the family and the relationship between the individual and other family members. The role of individuals in the family not only with the family education, social trends, special culture background factors such as changes in religion, even at the same time, in accordance with relevant provisions of the social and family for their model to regulate behavior, the specific patterns of behavior is called role expectation. The individual should fulfill the role expectation and fulfill the corresponding role behavior, need a learning and development process, this process is called role learning. The characteristics of individual health assessment in the family environment: Live in individual in the family the whole of its health and family environment are closely related, therefore, the individual in the family environment health assessment shall be carried out around the home environment, and its evaluation content mainly have an impact on individual health home environment, family structure, the role of the individual in the family, family function, family internal and external resources, etc. Individual health assessments in the home environment are often done through family visits. Family visits can be found to help people address existing health problems, prevent or identify potential health problems. Family visit to life cycle and problems involved in the family cycle as the main line, should be carried out in accordance with the natural disease tertiary prevention is given priority to, take care object as the center, to mobilize the individual, family and community to actively participate in. Section 2 the content of individual health assessment The


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