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鼻炎的有关知识 The type 1, acute rhinitis of rhinitis: acute infection, commonly known as "cold" or "cold", can have systemic symptoms. Meet in autumn and winter or spring. Acute inflammation of the nasal mucosal mucous membrane, infection of the virus, and bacterial infection. The main symptom is nasal obstruction and secretion increase, early in order to clear water type, then become mucus suppurative runny nose, the patient can have low heat and systemic discomfort. Chronic rhinitis: a common occurrence, developed by acute rhinitis. It has to do with the combination of bacterial secondary infection, treatment, and repeated attacks. Chronic inflammation of the mucosa and submucosa. Very common, the light is called simple chronic rhinitis, and the heavier is called hypertrophic rhinitis. The main symptom is nasal obstruction, the light is intermittent or alterative, the heavy person is continuous, the nasal discharge increases. See nasal mucosal hyperemia swelling test, nasal passages with a small amount of mucous secretions, severe hypertrophic rhinitis due to tissue hyperplasia, mucosal surface uneven, inferior turbinate mulberries shaped change, middle turbinate mucosa polypoid change. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: a chronic, chronic inflammation of chronic inflammation and silting, resulting in hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa and turbinates. At this time, the mucosa thickens, the tissue elasticity decreases, the nasal ventilation ability is poor, the physiological function of the nose is harmful. Dry rhinitis: the occurrence of dry rhinitis is closely related to climate and occupational factors. The mucous membrane of the mucosa is prolonged and the mucous gland atrophy and the secretion is decreased, and the mucosa is dry and even has superficial erosion. Atrophic rhinitis: mainly nasal mucosa, periosteum, and nasal bone atrophy; Because of nasal tissue atrophy, although the nasal cavity is wide, but loss of their normal physiological function of nasal mucosa, and


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