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2009 8 August, 2009 17  4 ACTA LABORATORIUM ANIMALIS SCIENTIA SINICA Vol.17 No.4 Wistar 杨斐, 胡樱 (,  2000 2)   【】  Wistar , 。 Wistar , 、 , , 。  Wistar (GLU)0.5 h 1 h , 1.5 h , 24 h GLU ;(CORT)0.5 h 1 h 1.5 h , 24 h ;β-(β-EP)24 h , 48 h 。 (WBC), 72 h ;G (IgG)、2(IL-2)、γ(IFN-γ) 1(IL-1), 48 h , 72 h 。 hsp72 mRNA , , 72 h 。  Wistar 、 , (1.5 h )72 h; (WBC)、(GLU)、(CORT)、β-(β-EP)、 2(IL-2) 。 【】 Wistar ;;; 【】Q-95  【】A  【】1005-4847(2009)04-0279-05 Influence of Stress on Wistar Rats due to Short-Term Transportation YANG Fei, HU Ying (Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 2000 2, China) 【Abstract】 Objective To study the possible influence of short-term transportation on Wistar rats, and to establish a technical index system to evaluate the influence of stress on laboratory rodents.Methods Wistar ratswere used in the short-term transportation experiment.Main indexes of metabolism, neuroendocrine and immunity were tested.All the indexes of rats experiencing transportation were compared with those of the control group to analyze the impact of short-term transportation on laboratory rats.Results GLU of Wistar rats increased both at the moment of 0.5 h and 1 h during transportation, and at 24 h after stop of transportation, while decreased at the time of 1.5 h during transportation.Serum CORT also increased at the moment of 0.5 h and 1 h during transportation, then decreased at the moment of 1.5 h during transportation, but resumed to normal since 24 h after stop of transportation.Serumβ-EP decrease


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