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The Legend of Zhen Huan 小组成员:胡桑琦 孙倩玉 罗荣晖 Film introduction 美版预告片 Dominant role Zhen huan The pure and innocent 17-year-old Zhen huan is chosen for the emperor‘s harem(宫),and after entering the palace,she finds herself caught in the fierce inflighting(暗斗)between empress and the concubines(妃子). Realizing that the palace is actually a cruel and harsh(残酷的)place,Zhen has to learn to survive on her own , sometimes by unscrupulous (卑鄙的)methods. Dominant role Yi xiu(The queen) The empress is in charged of the harem(宫).With high status , great power,rich experiences,she is capable(有能力的) of palace fighting skills. Dominant role Hua fei Hua Fei is beautiful and noble(高贵).She dares to love and hate.She never hides her temperament(气质),even to be extremely cruel and merciless.Actually the audience don’t hate her ,and even show special preference for her. Dominant role The king The emperor in the play is suspicious(多疑), ambitious and aspiring(胸怀大志).He can always control the situation ,but he hurts the people who love him . Dominant role Yun li Yun Li is handsome and spoony(痴情的).He loves Zhen Huan ,and he helps Zhen Huan many times. At last ,he even sacrifices his life . Other Characters: Funny Dialogue Translation: 1.Bitch(贱人) is so bitching. 贱人就是矫情. 2.That is really good. 这真真是极好的. 3.Good morning, your majesty(陛下). 皇上万福金安. 4.Enjoy your slow torture(折磨) to death. 赏你一丈红. 5.I am deeply grateful to your kindness. 承蒙圣恩. Funny Names: 叶答应 leaf agree 安常在 safety always here 曹贵人Cao so expensive 华妃Hua fly 莞嫔 bowl poor Zhen Huan’s experiences: Summary . 希望越来越多的中国好的电视剧走向世界 Thank you!


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