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Dialect: It is a variety of a language, spoken in one part of a country, or by people belonging to a particular social class, which is different in some words, grammar, and/or pronunciation from other forms of the same language. 方言(dialect)是语言的变体 根据性质,方言可分地域方言和社会方言, 地域方言是语言因地域方面的差别而形成的变体,是全方言民语言的不同地域上的分支,是语言发展不平衡性而在地域上的反映。 社会方言是同一地域的社会成员因为在阶层、文化教养、年龄、性别、职业等方面的社会差异而形成不同的社会变体。 Social dialect Or sociolect, is a variety of a language (a dialect) used by people belonging to a particular social class. Social dialect social class and education Age and gender Ethnic background Idiolect Style, register and jargon Diglossia Trudgill(1974) He found that the same variable (i.e.[r] after a vowel) had the opposite social value. Upper middle class speakers in that area tended to pronounce fewer [r] sounds than lower working class speakers. walking / going Sittin’ / drinkin’ * The speakers of a sociolect usually share a similar socioeconomic and/or educational background. Sociolects may be classed as high(in status) or low( in status). The study of social dialects concerns a variety of social parameters Such as Social class and education Age and gender Ethnic background Two obvious factors in the investigation of social dialect are social class and education Education: Lower: Them boys throwed somethin’ Higher: The boys throwed something. Social class: Labov(1972) Saks (high status) Macy’s (middle status) Klein’s (low st


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