高级英语Lesson 14 Loving and Hating New York.ppt

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高级英语Lesson 14 Loving and Hating New York

《高级英语》 精品课程 第二册 绍兴文理学院元培学院 Lesson Fourteen Loving and Hating New York 世界之都:The Capital of The World 不夜城:The City That Never Sleeps 大苹果:The Big Apple 经济大衰退时,许多银行家失业潦倒,必须从其市郊住家载着一袋袋苹果到到纽约大街上卖。包括一些明门望祖都被迫以此维持生计。因为纽约州常见到苹果树,对纽约经济扮演相当重要角色,进而市政府大力推行这个名词代表纽约。 1920~1930年,爵士乐大行其道,有个爵士乐手大唱:成功树上苹果何其多,但如果你挑中纽约市,你就挑到了最大的苹果!(There are many apples on the success tree, but when you pick New York City, you pick the Big Apple.)之后有人又证实因市区内有一极受欢迎的爵士俱乐部就叫The Big Apple!所以称为大苹果。 大约在50多年前,美国一群爵士乐师们经常到各地去巡回演出赚钱。乐师们把所有要去的城镇,都描述成树上的苹果。他们去演出赚钱,就像去摘苹果。纽约在当时是诸城镇中演出赚钱最多的城市。各城镇都叫Apple, 自然纽约便是the Big Apple了。 It contains five boroughs : The Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island Fifth Avenue Times Square Para.1-5 General introduction Setting forth the present status of New York in the United States and in the eye’s of foreigners Task: Collect evidence to show that “ How the mighty has fallen.” New York = Big Apple = Mighty —?Advertising campaigns publicly praise New York; —??Many New Yorkers wear T-shirts with a heart design and the works “ I love New York” — New York is trying desperately to regain her lost prestige and status. Para.2-3 New York Yesterday Today New York City Yesterday Top, highest, biggest Leading city sets styles and trends of nation Undisputed fashion authority Looked up to and imitated Today isn’t any more out of phase with ______ as out of step with lost its undisputed leadership no longer so Question: 1) From where we can see New York’s deficiencies as a pacesetter are more and more evident? “ Nowadays New York is out of phase with American taste “ — Nowadays New York cannot understand nor follow the taste of the American people and is often in disagreement with American politics. “ No longer so looked up to or copied, New York even prides itself on being a holdout from prevailing American trends” — Since New York is no longer looked up to or copied as the undisputed fashion aut


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