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His mother is a nurse. 他的母亲是一位护士。 Tell me something about your new office. 给我讲一讲有关你新办公室的事儿吧。 His parents live somewhere about the park. 他的父母住在公园的附近。 There are about 40 pupils in the class. 班里约有四十名学生。 There is a clock above the blackboard. 黑板的上方有一个时钟。 He is afraid of dogs. 他害怕狗。 A: Could I speak to Mary please? B: I'm afraid she is out. A: 我找玛丽。 B: 对不起,她现在外出不在。 She sometimes goes to the library after work. 她下班后有时去图书馆。 David comes to the office after Mary. 大卫跟在玛丽后面走进办公室。 After all, she is a little girl. 不管怎样,她还是个小孩子。 They usually play football in the afternoon. 他们经常在下午踢足球。 He will call again half an hour later. 半小时后他还会再打电话过来。 My father was home just ten minutes ago. 我爸爸十分钟前刚回到家。 Does she agree to come? 她同意来吗? I agree with you. 我同意你的意见。 How fresh the air is today! 今天的空气多清新呀! I'll go to Hong Kong by air. 我将坐飞机去香港。 She airs the room by opening the window. 她开开窗户使房间通风。 There're toilets on all the floors. 在所有层都有厕所。 All of us agree with him. 我们都同意他的观点。 Smith paints (粉刷,涂)his bedroom all write. 史密斯把他的卧室全都涂成了白色。 That's all I have. 我只有这些。 There're all kinds of fruit in the supermarket. 超市里的水果品种繁多。 A: Shall we meet at 7 o'clock? B: All right. A: 我们7点见面行吗? B: 好吧。 Walk along the street. 沿着这条街走。 I've already had lunch. 我已经吃过午饭了。 A: Do you learn any other languages besides English? B: Yes, I do. I also learn French. A: 除了英语,你还学其他的语言吗? B: 是的。我也学习法语。 I always start work at 8 o'clock. 我总是8点上班。 I will always remember you. 我会永远记住你。 I am twelve years old. 我十二岁。 David is the tallest among us. 大卫是我们中最高的。 The Yellow River is among the most famous rivers in the world. 黄河是世界上最著名的河流之一 There are tables and chairs in the room. 室内有桌椅。 She seldom gets angry with her child. 她很少和她的孩子生气。 Mary is reading a book on wild animals. 玛丽正在读一本有关野生动物的书。 Would you like to have another cup of coffee? 你想再喝杯咖啡吗? I don't like the colour of the coat. Show me another, please. 我不喜欢这件衣服的颜色。请给我另拿一件。 Do you know the answer to Question 8? 你知道第八题的答案吗? Xiao Ming, please answer my question in English. 小明,请你用英语回答我的问题。 Is the


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