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摘要 随着经济的高速发展,各企业间的激烈竞争使生产企业和商业企业都进入一个微利时代,产品的成本和利润也变得非常透明化。近年来,饮料行业处于飞速发展时期,我国软饮料以超过20%的年增长率递增。随着经济的发展和消费者消费理念的改变,消费者对饮料产品品质及服务质量的要求也越来越高。由于饮料行业产品更新换代的速度非常快,加之分销系统要求的配送速度快,这对企业供应链管理和分销系统管理提出了更高的要求。因此,顺应目前的市场环境集中企业的有限资源,增强企业核心竞争力,成为企业面临的重要问题。对于企业而言,将非核心业务外包出去,集中资源发展自己的主业,有利于提高核心竞争力,降低经营成本和提高服务质量。而物流外包的核心概念是以最少的总成本获得最大的客户满意度,主要体现在服务质量、服务可靠度及相关成本降低等方面。但是,物流外包中也存在一定的问题,给企业带来风险。因此,如何有效利用第三方物流完成企业的物流管理,成为企业面临的一个重要决策。 本文对物流外包相关理论及其实践进行了分析,并结合青岛可口可乐饮料有限公司的物流外包现状,详细阐述了物流外包给企业带来的积极影响,以及存在的风险性。并在此基础上,针对目前存在的问题,提出了建议。旨在为遇到类似物流问题的饮料企业提供到一定的借鉴作用。 关键词:物流外包;核心竞争力;第三方物流 Abstract With the economy rapidly developing, the fierce competition among enterprises make production and commercial enterprises enter an era of meager profit, product cost and profit also become very transparent. In recent years, the development of the beverage industry is in a period of rapid development, the annual output of China's soft drinks to more than 20% of annual growth increments. Since economic development and the change of the consumption concept, consumers require the beverage product and service quality higher .The rate of replacement of the products of the beverage industry is very fast, at the same time fast delivery speed of the distribution system require a higher demand on supply chain management and distribution system management. How to adapt to the current market environment,and seize the opportunities to accelerate the development of enterprises become an important task at present. How to concentrate the limited resources of the enterprise and focus on the core competitiveness of enterprises enhancement have become an important issue. For businesses, outsourcing non-core business to go out and focusing resources on their main business,will help improve the core competitiveness , lower operating costs, and improve service quality. The core concepts of logistics outsourcing is the least total cost to get the most customer satisfaction, mainly reflect in the quality of service, reliability


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