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Possessing both intellectual and supernatural faculties, television's leading ladies and their complex personalities are slowly but surely dominating their individual universes. Loosely using Fortune's Most Powerful Women metrics -- the size and importance of the woman's business, the health and direction of the business, the arc of the woman's career, and her social and cultural influence -- we've ranked the most prominent women currently gracing the small screen. 凭借着聪慧的天资以及超自然能力,电视剧中的女性角色及其复杂的个性不动声色、但却确定无疑地统治着她们所在的世界。我们借用“最具影响力女性排行榜”的评选标准,比如女性所执掌企业的规模和重要性、企业的健康度及战略方向、女性的职业生涯以及社交和文化影响力等,评选出了目前活跃在电视荧屏中的最具影响力的女性角色。 1. Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen “龙女”丹妮莉丝 Title:(Rightful) Queen of the Andals and the First Men 头衔:(合法的)安达尔人和先民的女王 Show:Game of Thrones 电视剧:《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》 As the last living Targaryen, Daenerys fiercely believes it's her birthright to control the Seven Kingdoms, formerly ruled by her late father. Surviving the loss of her family and her king husband, she's grown from a timid girl into a dragon-wielding woman. Daenerys is building a massive swarm of fighters to help her regain the Iron Throne, winning over the warriors with her firm but caring demeanor. She's the ultimate CEO -- a chief who inspires her followers. And should naysayers interfere with her grand strategy? One whisper of "dracarys" and they'll be toast. 作为坦格利安家族最后一位在世的成员,丹妮莉丝坚定地认为,对七大王国的统治是她与生俱来的权利,因为她故去的父亲曾经就是这些王国的统治者。失去了家人和她的国王丈夫之后,她逐渐从一个弱不禁风的少女成长为一位可以驾驭魔龙的女性。她打造了一支规模庞大的勇士军队,帮助她重新夺回铁王座。她用坚定但却富于关怀的风度赢得了武士们的支持。“龙女”是位善于激励和鼓舞追随者的领袖,堪称是首席执行官中的典范。若是反对者胆敢破坏她宏伟的战略,她只需轻描淡写地说一句“魔龙喷火”,反对者们就会在顷刻间灰飞烟灭。 2. Olivia Pope 奥利维亚-波普 Title:Owner of Pope & Associates 头衔:波普联合公司所有者 Show:Scandal 电视剧:《丑闻》 After successfully helping Fitz Grant win his campaign for President of the United States, Olivia launched her crisis management consultancy Olivia Pope &Associates. She's become the go-to gal for D.C. politicians and public figures in crisis. We can only imagine the retainers Olivia deservedly collects.Olivia has no qu


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