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厦门市2016-2017学年度第二学期高二年级质量检测英语选修8试题第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ATravel and Learn with Field Study Explore the beautiful sights and history of Venice while earning university credits with University of Maryland University College(UMUC).Course History of Venice(3 Credits )Location Venice,ItalyWhen 28 July-1 August 2017Register 7 July 2017 Venice was an international city of commerce diplomacy and art during the Renaissance period.On daily field trips,you’ll explore Venice’s culture,economy and society.leave the crowded tourist zones to visit local neighborhoods and use the paving stones and street names of the city to understand how Venetians have lived throughout the city’s history.Course PlanDayEvents Day 1Arrival and introductory lecture CastelloDay 2Venice and the Sea lecture and discussion Canareggio; walking lectureDay 3Authonrity and Government;lecture and quiz Ducal Palace;walking lectureDay 4 Jewish Ghetto,walking lecture presentations of group researchDay 518th century discussion of Ca’Rezzonico and Casanova Final examwhat do we know about Venice? A.It’s street names reflect it’s history. B.It was established during the Renaissance period. C.The citizens relied on paving stoned. D.The local neighborhoods are crowed with tourists.Which place will the students visit on 29 July? A.Castello. B.canareggio. C.Ducal palace. D.Jewish Ghetto.23.On which day will students give presentation? A.Day 2 B.Day 3 C.Day 4 D.Day 5Taking the field study course,students will probably____ A.travel around Italy B.be charged $100 C.get tuition assistance D.earn university creditsB Four years ago,I helped start a Blessing in a Backpackprogram in my school district.It is a neighbor-helping-neighbor program designed to satisfy the nutritional needs of children and their families. Our packing area was located in the district’s charter high school,made up of students who cou


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