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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思阅读材料之委内瑞拉油价世界最低08元 英国一家名为This is Money的网站联合一家汽车网站对世界各国的油价分析对比后选出全球油价最低的十个国家,委内瑞拉以每升8便士(合人民币0.8元)的价格连续第二年居首,居民月度油费支出占月收入的2.73%。其余9个国家汽油价格由低到高分别为埃及、沙特阿拉伯、卡塔尔、巴林、利比亚、土库曼斯坦、科威特、阿尔及利亚以及伊朗。除油价以外,此次评选还对各国居民油费开支占月收入的比重进行了调查分析。结果显示,有些国家虽然油价很低,但因为居民收入普遍偏低,油费支出占月收入的比例却很高。比如,土库曼斯坦的油价仅为每升17便士,每月的油费支出约为21英镑(约合人民币212元),但因为平均月收入仅有115英镑左右,所以油费支出占到了月收入的17.79%。如果按此标准计算,卡塔尔应该为世界上油价水平最低的国家。《福布斯》杂志将卡塔尔称为世界上最富有的国家,其国民每月的税后收入达3665英镑(约合人民币37014元),而卡塔尔的油价仅为每升12便士,月度油费支出只占月收入的0.4%。 Petrol prices in Britain remain a consistent sore talking point for motorists - it’s not surprising considering costs have almost doubled in the last 10 years. According to AA figures, the average litre of unleaded in Britain in August 2002 was 74.8p. This has rocketed to 135.52p this month. At the same time, Brent Crude oil prices have risen from an average of $28 to more than $113 now. It is clear that car owners in Britain have some of the most expensive costs when it comes to filling up their motor. But what about the flipside – which countries have the cheapest unleaded? In the second exclusive annual cheapest petrol worldwide report by This is Money, alongside new and used car website Evans Halshaw, we reveal just how cheap it is to fill up a car in other areas around the world. We also compare petrol prices to wages in each country mentioned – and reveal that one country spends just 0.4 percent of disposable income on petrol, while another sees motorists spend almost 20 percent of their income on filling up their car, despite the cheap fuel costs. Venezuela has taken the crown for the cheapest petrol in the world for the second year running in our annual report. Those that live in the country see cheap petrol as a birthright. An increase in prices at the pump in the late 1980s resulted in riots in Caracas and ultimately current president Hugo Chavez’s political rise. It is so cheap in the country that petrol smuggling is thought to be a bigger business than drug smugg


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