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提 要 目的:通过观察黄芪桂枝五物汤加减治疗产后身痛的疗效和不良反应,分析产后 身痛的病因病机,客观的评价其治疗产后身痛的安全性和有效性。 方法:将 50 例产后身痛病例随机分成治疗组(30 例,黄芪桂枝五物汤加减治疗) 对照组(20 例,正清风痛宁缓释片治疗),以二周为一个疗程,三个疗程为一个总疗 程,观察主要临床症候的改善情况。 结果:治疗六周后,治疗组总有效率为96.7%,对照组总有效率为 85.0%,有统 计学差异(P<0.05);治疗组在改善中医证候、舌苔脉象方面明显优于对照组,二者 有统计学差异(P<0.05)。 结论:黄芪桂枝五物汤加减治疗产后身痛安全有效,既能改善中医症候又无明显 不良反应。 关键词 黄芪桂枝五物汤 产后身痛 病因病机 Clinical research on using Astragalus and Cinnamou Twig Five Ingredients Decoction to treat postpartum body pain Speciality:Medical Department Of TCM Auther:Ju Wen Feng Tutor:Prof.Liu Ying Abstract Aim:Through the analysis of etiology and pathogenesis of postpartum body pain,to observe the curative effect and adverse reactions by using Astragalus and Cinnamou Twig Five Ingredients Decoction to treat the postpartum body pain. Objectively evaluation the safety and efficacy. Method: Put 50 cases of postpartum body pain at random into treatment group(30 cases use Astragalus and Cinnamou Twig Five Ingredients Decoction ) and control group(20 cases,use zhengqingfeng-tongning Sustained release tablets), For a period of treatment in two weeks, for a total of six weeks treatments and curative effect Result: The data of treatment group and control group have different degrees of improvement compared with before treatment. Among them the treatment group was better than controlIn total curative effect and improve controlling disease symptoms and signs medicine etc. Both comparative have statistical significance.Treat postpartum body pain by using Astragalus and Cinnamou Twig Five Ingredients Decoction is safe and effective. Can not only improve the symptoms of the disease and no obvious adverse reactions. Conclusion: Treat postpartum body


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