Blood transfusion in total hip arthroplasty guidelines to eliminate overtransfusion:(输血消除overtransfusion全髋关节置换术的指导方针).pdfVIP

Blood transfusion in total hip arthroplasty guidelines to eliminate overtransfusion:(输血消除overtransfusion全髋关节置换术的指导方针).pdf

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222 Blood transfusion in total hip arthroplasty: guidelines to eliminate M.M. McSwiney FRCAFFARCSI,D. O'Farrell FRCSI, overtransfusion G.E Joshi FFARCSI,S.M. McCarroll FFARCSI This study was designed to evaluate the effect of transfusion prothbse totale de la hanche et prdsentant des concentrations guidelines on perioperative blood usage with a view to iden- normales d~moglobine. La perte sanguine maximale permise tifying aprotocolfor transfusion therapy in our hospital. Eighty est calcul~e d'aprbs laformule de Kallos et col. Le sang perdu consecutive patients with normal haemoglobin concentrations est d'abord remplacd par de l'Hemaccel. Unefois laperte san- presenting for total hip arthroplasty were studied. The maxi- guine maximale permise atteinte, on mesure l~dmatocrite et mum allowable blood loss (MABL) was calculated for each on administre du sang si l~matocrite est infdrieur ~ 30% chez patient using the formula of Kallos et al. Blood loss up to les hommes et 27% chez lesfemmes. Sinon, on remplace par this value was replaced with Haernaccel. When the MABL was de l'Hemaccel. Les complications postopdratoires, la durde du reached, a haematocrit (Hct) was performed and blood was s~jour hospitalier et l~valuation de la tolerance d la physio- given if the Hct was less than 30 in men and 27 in women. th~rapie sont enregistrdes. Une raise en congd avec un h~ma- Otherwise replacement was with Haemaccel. All postoperative tocrite supdrieur ~ 30o/0 est considerde comme un critbre de complications, duration of hospital stay, and physiotherapy transfusion excessive. Le



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