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六自由度机械手结构设计 摘要 本次设计的机械手具有六个自由度,以满足末端执行器可以到达工作范围的任意位置。驱动方式采用电机驱动,便于控制,响应速度快,驱动力较强。手爪采用气压驱动,手爪采用可安装拆卸手指,通过更换不同的夹具可以夹取更多的目标零件,增大了机械手的夹取范围。 目前机械手在生产生活中的种类繁多,本次设计的主要目的是优化机械手的结构,使其结构布局合理紧凑。由于该机构为六自由度机械手,故采用六个直流伺服电机进行驱动。本次设计分别对六个电机进行合理布局,尽可能将其分布在机械手的下方,并且避免各零件相互干涉。同时保证机械手的主要性能并且适量增大它的持重范围。本设计尽量采用标准件以及批量生产的配件,如行星齿轮减速器,摆线减速器等,这样可以减少它的生产成本便于批量生产。 本次设计的六自由度机械手可适用于危险环境作业,工业生产的流水线作业,对于大多数工件的抓取以及搬运。它可以代替人去完成一些枯燥单一或危险的工作,同时提高工作效率,降低生产成本。随着工业自动化水平的逐渐提高,本次设计的六自由度机械手将会有广阔的应用前景。 关键词 六自由度;机械手;搬运 Six degrees of freedom manipulator structure design Abstract The manipulator has six degrees of freedom, in order to meet the end effector can reach the arbitrary position of the working range. The driving mode is driven by motor, easy to control, fast response and strong driving force.. Gripper driven by compressed air, gripper with installation and disassembly fingers, through the replacement of different fixtures can clip more target parts, increasing the manipulator clamping range. At present, there are many kinds of mechanical hand in the production and life, the main purpose of this design is to optimize the structure of the manipulator, so that the structure of the layout is reasonable and compact. Since the mechanism is six DOF Manipulator, six DC servo motor is used for driving.. The design of the six motors for a reasonable layout, as far as possible the distribution of the manipulator, and to avoid the interference of parts. At the same time to ensure the main performance of the manipulator and its amount increases the range of sound. The design of the standard as well as the use of mass production parts, such as planetary reducer, the reducer, such as the reducer, so that it can reduce the production costs for mass production. The design of the six degree of freedom manipulator can be applied to dangerous environment, industrial production line operations, for most parts of the grab and handling. It can replace the person to complete a number of boring single or dangerous w


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