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GENERAL 总则 Goals目的 Our goals on this Sea Trial are to: 本次试航的目的为: 1, Complete the Trials safely and without injury or damage to personnel or equipment. 安全地完成要本次试航, 没有人员和设备的损伤 2, Perform all tests, procedures, demonstrations, and inspections. 完成所有试验, 程序, 示范和检验工作 3, Get underway and return on schedule. 按预定的时间表完成各项任务并返回 SCOPE试验范围: 1, The propulsion, control, monitoring, and safety systems are to be shown to operate in an at sea condition to verify design, construction, installation, and that all regulatory requirements have been met. 推进系统试验, 控制系统试验, 监测系统试验, 以检验其设计, 结构, 安装等方面均达到要求 2, The vessel is to be operated at its maximum operating levels for sufficient time to enable all parameters to stabilize and verify adequacy of design and construction. In addition, the vessel’s maneuvering qualities, course keeping, turning, DP systems, operating at slow speeds, and stopping capabilities are to be demonstrated. 本船应在最大水平上操作, 从而在最长时间内把各项参数调节到最稳定的状态, 以检验设计和结构的合理性. 另外, 本船的机动性能, 保持航向的能力, 转向性能, DP系统, 低速状态操作性能以及候车能力将得到试验. 3, Complete monitoring and data collection is to occur during all tests to establish certifiable records of the vessel’s performance and capabilities. 在各项试验过程中, 应记录完整的数据, 最大可能地证明本船的的特点和性能. 4. If condition approbate; some navigation equipment, radio equipment and interior communication equipment verification can do during HAT. 如果条件许可;一些航行设备/无线电设备/内通设备效用试验可在系泊试验时做;尽量减少航行时试验时间. Prerequisites先决条件: 1, All Design Verification Testing shall be complete 所有设计的检查试验应完成. 2, Compressed Air System Testing shall be complete. 压缩空气系统试验完成 3, Firemain Operational Test Shall be complete. 消防员设备操作试验完成 4, Rapid response fire fighting equipment on board 消防设备安装到位. 5, Verification of propulsion indicators from Bridge and EOS. 检查驾驶室和集控室的推进系统显示完好 6, All Emergency Shut Downs Shall be in place and operational. 所有的应急切断到位并可以操作 7, Bilge and Ballast System Operational Test Shall be complete. 压载系统操作试验完成 8, A complete set of DNV regulations on board located in



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