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JOWA APPROVAL DRAWING 认可图 Oil discharge monitoring system equipment 排油监控系统 MODEL :JOWA ODME 2005 FOR JOWA ODME 2005 GENERAL 总则 JOWA ODME 2005 Oil discharge Monitoring and Control System is certified to meet the requirements of IMO MEPC 108(49) JOWA ODME 2005 排油监控系统经认证满足IMO MEPC.108(49).的要求。 JOWA ODME 2005 has a measuring range of 0-1000 ppm. JOWA ODME 2005 的量程为0-1000 ppm. JOWA ODME 2005 is robust, easy to install, easy to use and easy to maintain. JOWA ODME 2005 结构牢固,易安装、使用及维护保养。 JOWA ODME 2005 has a unique self-cleaning design feature, making manual cleaning virtually unnecessary. JOWA ODME 2005 具有独特的自清洗特性,完全不需要人工来清洗。 JOWA ODME 2005 is a high quality product. The most exposed parts are made of stainless steel. The components of the electrical and electronic sections are designed for obtaining long time between failures. Spare parts recommended to be stocked by the purchaser are included in the delivery. JOWA ODME 2005 是高质量的产品。绝大多数暴露在外面的部件是由不锈钢316L 制成的。电子元件及电气部分的设计是以获得最长的使用寿命为准则,备件会在发 货时一并包括。 JOWA ODME 2005 is adaptable to the specific installation requirements in all ships and meets the requirements for all categories specified in IMO 108(49) JOWA ODME 2005 适应所有船只的特殊安装需要,并符合IMO 108(49) 中列出的所 有类目的要求。 JOWA ODME 2005 MEASURING PRINCIPLE 测量原理 The measuring principle employed in the ODME2005 equipment is based on a combination of light transmission and light scattering is three different angles. The sample water stream is homogenized in the sample feed pump and is passed through a quartz tube where it is exposed to a light beam in the infra-red part of the light spectrum. The intensity of the light transmitted and scattered in the selected angles is dependant on the type and amount of contaminants in the water stream. Signals from non-oil contaminants can be comp



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