和谐社会中的企业社会责任硕士论文 梁艳.docVIP

和谐社会中的企业社会责任硕士论文 梁艳.doc

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和谐社会中的企业社会责任硕士论文 梁艳

摘要 党的十六届四中全会上提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的重大决策。我国要构建的社会主义和谐社会是以人为本、各方利益关系得到有效协调的社会。目前社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性,是国富民强、人民幸福的重要保证。我国在构建和谐社会的过程中出现了一些不和谐的问题,如贫富差距过大使人与人之间不和谐;人类乱砍滥伐破坏生态环境使人与自然之间不和谐;就业形势严峻,无业人口越来越多造成社会不稳定使人与社会不和谐等等。随着经济的发展,企业对社会的影响力逐步加大。如果企业能够承担社会责任,在创造利润、对股东利益负责的同时还承担对员工、社会和环境的责任包括遵守商业道德、安全生产、保护劳动者合法权益及资源等。在构建和谐社会中一方面以人为本协调劳资双方利益关系从企业内部夯实社会和谐的基础另一方面社会利益相关者从企业外部构建社会和谐的环境。在安全生产方面,许多重大安全生产事件一系列重大环境污染事件其肇事者多是企业,结果国家财产损失和人民群众的生命丧失在维护职工合法权益方面,拖欠职工的工资引发劳动争议事件,还有一些企业不顾职工的身体健康,造成职业病等等。Abstract It makes a major decision of building a socialist harmonious society in the partys 10 Sixth Plenary Session of the Fourth. The socialist harmonious society which we want to build is people-oriented, in which the interests of all society could be effectively coordinated. Social harmony is the essential attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a wealthy and strong country, an important guarantee for peoples happiness. In the process of building a harmonious society there have been some discord, such as the ambassador of the wealth gap between people; human deforestation which damages the ecological environment harmony between human beings and nature; the employment situation and so on. More and more people lose jobs which leads to social instability and social disharmony. With economic development, corporate social influence gradually increase. If enterprise can undertake social responsibilities, create profits for shareholders, at the same time think of employees, take social and environmental responsibilities, including compliance with business ethics, product safety, occupational health, protection of legitimate rights and interests of workers and resources, the discords within the community will be effectively resolved. Corporate social responsibility will promote the harmony of people and people, man and nature, human and society, thereby promoting the construction of harmonious society. Company actively carry out its social responsibility to the public, establish a good corporat



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