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Book 6 Unit 4 Global Warming 刘明堂 教学目标: 1. 了解本单元单词,短语和重点句式的掌握情况。 2. 通过应用练习,能够在语境中灵活运用这些单词,短语和句式。 3. 通过翻译练习,提高写作能力。 Step 1 基础复习 I. 重点单词 1. (vt.)消耗,消费 n. 消费者 2. (n.)量;数量 3. (n.)质量 4. (vt.)反对;反抗 5. (adj.)分布广的;普遍的 6. (vt.)陈述;说明 → (n.)说明;说法 7. (adj.)平均的 8. (.)范围,种类 9. (n.) 10. (vt.)使恢复;使振作 11. (n.)生存;存在 → (vi.)存在 12. (n.)贡献 → (v.)贡献;撰稿 [针对练习]---- ’s the __________(平均)rainfall for July in your country? 2.Trees absorb CO2 from the air and ____________(使恢复)your spirit. 3.India came into _______________(exist)as an independent country after the war. 4.He made very positive______________ (contribute)to the success of the project. 5.There has been serious ______________(disagree)between the two leaders over the problem. 6.He___________(donation)a large sum of money to Hope Project(希望工程). 7. The British people ____________(consumer)a vast amount of tea each year. 8. The __________(pollution) water will do great harm to your health if drunk. 9. We are strongly ___________(oppose) to smoking in public places. 10. Which of the following ___________(state)is true? II. 重点短语1.come ______ 发生;造成 2.come ____ ____ a suggestion提出建议 3.即使_____ _____ 4.大体上;基本上___ _____ _____ 5.代表……一方____ _____ _____ 6.忍受;容忍 put ____ _____ 7.so _____ ____只要 8.be _______ ___反对 9.result______ 结果 10.subscribe to the view ___________ 针对练习----短语填空We are sure to win the match___________ we do our best. 2. Can you tell me how the accident_______________? 3. More and more pollution ____________many species’ dying out. 4. I _______________ your plan for it is hard to carry it out. 5. I apologize to you __________ the hotel for causing so much trouble to you. 6. With so many people sharing so little a room, we had to_______________ the inconvenience. 7. Most of the students _________ the view that smoking is a bad habit. 8. I wont lose heart_________ I dont succeed. III. 重点句型 1. 毫无疑问的是老师说的是正确的。


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