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2011 年5 月 妇女研究论丛 May. 2011
第3 期 总第105 期 Collection of Women爷s Studies No.3 Ser.No.105
杨齐福 汪炜伟1 2
(1.福建师范大学 社会历史学院,福建 福州 350108;2.南开大学 历史学院,天津 300071)
摘 要:20世纪五、六十年代中国大地掀起一股水利建设热潮,众多女性参与其中。福建惠安的“惠女水库”便是由当地女
中图分类号:C912.82 文献标识:A 文章编号:1004-2563(2011 )03-0069-08
1 2
YANG Qi-fu WANG Wei-wei
(1.SchoolofSocialHistory atthe FujianNormal University,Fuzhou350108, FujianProvince, China;2.DepartmentofHistory atthe
Nankai University,Tianjin300071, China)
Hui Womens Reservoir, image of women in Huian, womens liberation
Many women participated in the water construction movements in the 1950s and 60s. Hui Womens Reservoir that was built
by women construction workers drafted among nearby villages attracted wide public attention. Throughout the construction of the Hui
Womens Reservoir women were mobilized to achieve titles as model workers and to win awards in contests for best work perfor-
mance achievers and motivated to adopt a new womens image with aspirations for womens liberation and equality between men
and women. However, this notion of womens liberation did not come from women and also was based on a misunderstanding of
womens issues equal to class issues and an inspiration for women to follow mens images. Although this way of thinking w