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Long conversations 真题篇 本部分一共包括4篇长对话,主要取自2006和2007年真题,其中的题目编号未做改动。 每个conversation的内容依次是:问题选项,对话文本,答题详解。 真题篇在做题技巧方面主要强调听前预测及听音关键,在题目中已用note标明。 Conversation 7 (2007.12-1) 19. A) She has packed it in one of her bags. B) She has probably left it in a taxi. C) She id going to get it the airport. D) She is afraid that she has lost it. Note: 通过选项得知本题是询问某物品的位置,其中提到bags, airport, taxi,可能与出发去机场有关。 20. A) It ends in winter. B) It will cost her a lot. C) It will last one week. D) It depends on the weather. Note: 通过选项得知本题是询问某物的持续时间.花费和决定因素。 21. A) The plane is taking off soon. B) There might be a traffic jam. C) The taxi is waiting for them. D) There is a lot of stuff to pack. Note: 通过选项得知本题提到飞机.出租车.交通阻塞和打包,听音时应注意这几个特殊字眼。 22. A) At home. B) In the man’s car. C) At the airport. D) By the side of a taxi. Note: 通过选项得知本题提问地点。 19. A. 事实细节题。本题关键句为:I haven’t lost it. I’ve packed it. pack意指“打包”,所以女士把护照装在某个包里了。 20. C. 推理判断题。问题中的关键句为:You are taking enough for a month instead of a week. 由这句话可知女士带了很多行李,男士说她就像要去度一个月的假而不是一周。instead of 意指“而不是”。 21. C. 目的原因题。首先明白题目中短语urge to do意指“催促某人干某事”,男士催促女士快点的原因是There is (need to rush). I asked the taxi driver to wait two minutes, not twenty. 这是本题关键句。 22. A. 综合分析题。通过男女对话,得知出租车在等他们去机场,女士提到在客厅里还有一个箱子,所以对话发生在家里。 M: Mary, I hope you are packed and ready to leave. W: Yes, I’m packed, but not quite ready. I can’t find my passport.   M: Your passport? That’s the one thing you mustn’t leave behind.   W: I know. I haven’t lost it. I’ve packed it, but I can’t remember which bag it’s in.   M: Well, you have to find it at the airport. Come on, the taxi is waiting.   W: Did you say taxi? I thought we were going in your car.   M: Yes, well, I have planned to, but I’ll explain later. You’ve got to be there in an hour.   W: The plane doesn’t leave for two hours. Anyway, I’m ready to go now.   M: Now, youre taking just one case, is that right?   W: No, the



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