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Any actor would admit that its tricky to play roles based on real people. They need to do mountains of research to make sure they re staying as true to life as possible. Besides, they try to add their own touches to the performance so that their work can be called their own. 4 What makes it difficult for actors to play roles based on real people? A. Mixing the act with their own feelings. B. Resembling the roles in appearance C Lifelike e performances with personal styles D Masses of academic research into the roles 主旨大意题 7. What is the best title for text ? A. Be a good actor B. A moral dilemma C Garfield and Doss D Garfield gets deep 浏览全文,抓住中心: 读懂首段和其余段落首尾句;捕捉信息词 a 关键名词的定语,同位语成分 b 逻辑连接副词及相关连词 c 有态度暗示的形容词副词 d 反复出现的词 对于演员来说真人改编角色很难演,既要有真人为原型的表演还要有个人风格。Garfield通过自己的努力了解人物内在把人物演得活灵活现。 7. What is the best title for text ? A. Be a good actor B. A moral dilemma C Garfield and Doss D Garfield gets deep 浏览全文,抓住中心: 读懂首段和其余段落首尾句;捕捉信息词 a 关键名词的定语,同位语成分 b 逻辑连接副词及相关连词 c 有态度暗示的形容词副词 d 反复出现的词 9. “That’s the time when we are still dependent on adults for love, protection and care. The major advantage of emotional tears is that you can target them at a specific person.” Vingerhoets says this ability could have come in handy in prehistoric times, when humans were living among dangerous animals. Tears were a safer way to get attention. In this case, it is better to use a silent signal to ask for help, he says. 11读每段段首句 What does the author of the study call the group? Teenagers at risk of depression, anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon sign. Their risky behaviors--drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs smoking cigarettes and skipping school-can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing. But a new study finds that theres another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger experiencing the same psychiatric(精神病学的) symptoms, teens who use tons of media, dont get enough sleep and have a sedentary(不爱活动的) lifestyle. D


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