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笑话三则【精选儿童英语笑话三则】 精选儿童英语笑话三则 精选儿童英语笑话三则 精选儿童英语笑话:今年冬天冷不冷 Indians ask their new chief whether the winter will be cold or mild. Since the young chief neverlearned the ways of his ancestors, he tells them to collect firewood, then he goes off and calls the National Weather Service. “Will the winter be bad“ he asks. Looks like it, is the answer. So the chief tells his people to gather more firewood. A week later, he calls again. Are you positive the winter will be very cold Absolutely. The chief tells his people to gather even more firewood, then calls the Weather Service again: Are you sure Im telling you, its going to be the coldest winter on record. How do you know Because the Indians are gathering firewood like crazy! 印地安人问他们的新酋长,这个冬天是冷还是温暖。这位年轻的酋长 从没学过祖先那些本领,他只好吩咐他们去捡木柴,然后自己走到一边去给国家 气象局打电话。 “今年冬天会不会很冷”他问。 “看上去是这样的。”他得到这样的回答。 于是酋长要求大家收集更多的木柴。一个星期后,他又打电话给国家 气象局。 “你确信今年冬天会很冷” “毫无疑问。” 酋长随即要求族人捡更多的木柴,然后再次给国家气象局打电话:“你肯定吗” “我告诉你,那将是有史以来最寒冷的冬天。” “你怎么知道” “因为印第安人正发疯似地捡木柴!” 精选儿童英语笑话:我一点都不渴 Nearing the end, Stanislaw is surrounded by loved ones. As the final moment approaches, he gathers all his strength and whispers, I must tell you my greatest secret. His family urges him to go on. Before I got married, I had it all, Stanislaw explains. Fast cars, cute girls, and plenty of money. But a good friend warned me, Get married and start a family. Otherwise, no one will be there to give you a glass of water to drink when youre on your deathbed. So I took his advice. I traded the girls for a wife, beer for baby food. I sold my Ferrari and invested in college funds. And now here we are. And you know what What Im not even thirsty! 临死之前,斯坦尼斯被他挚爱的家人包围着。知道自己的最后时刻就 要来了,他拿出所有力气,轻声耳语,“我必须告诉你们一个最大的秘密。”他的 家人催他赶紧说。 斯坦尼斯说,“在我结婚之前,我什么都有:靓车,美女,还有大把 大把的钱。但是一个好朋友警告我说,‘你应该结婚,建立一个家庭,否则当你 奄奄一息躺在床上时,都没个人会为你端茶倒水。’于是我听取了他的建议,离 开了姑娘们,娶了一个妻子。我不再把钱花在啤酒上,而是留下来给孩子们买吃 的。我卖掉了我的法拉利,投资了大学基金。所以现在才有了你们。可你们知道 吗” “知道什么” “我现在一点都不渴啊!” 精选儿童英语笑话:我的资产已被冻结 My cousin always borrows money from her older


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