Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C 示范公开课教学课件【七年级英语下册仁爱版】.pptxVIP

Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C 示范公开课教学课件【七年级英语下册仁爱版】.pptx

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Unit 6 Our Local Area. ;Say the meaning of each traffic sign.;Pre-reading;A traffic accident. 交通事故。 ;2 Look at the pictures and match them with the phrases.; Keeping Safe on the Street;Read 1a and mark T for true or F for false.;1b Read 1a carefully and fill in the blanks. ;1. Second, before we cross the street, we must stop and look both ways—look left, look right and look left again. 第二,我们过马路之前必须停下来向两边看看,即看看左边,看看右边,再看看左边。;(1) across 用作介词或副词,意为“横过,到对面”。;2. Last, it’s good to help children and old people cross the street.最后,帮助孩子和老人过马路是件好事。;Retell the passage based on the following pictures and the table in 1b.;3 Match the following sentences with the pictures.;祈使句表示请求、命令、建议,句子通常不带主语,谓语动词用原形。肯定形式一般以动词原形开头,其否定形式是在谓语动词前加do not或don’t。;4 Work in groups. Discuss and write more traffic rules.;If you drive too fast, the policeman will give you a ticket for speeding.;5a Listen and complete each sentence with the correct word.;5b Listen and read the chant aloud, paying attention to the sound / /.;I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. William _______ (cross) the street and goes into a store. 2. At the _____ (three) crossing, Lily stops because she doesn’t know the way. 3. All of us must obey the class ______ (rule) in our class. 4. Be _______ (carefully). The subway is coming. 5. I think China is beautiful. I want to visit many ______ (place) of China.;II. 句型转换。 1. Bob goes to bed after he finishes his homework. (同义句转换) Bob ______ ____ to bed ____ he finishes his homework. 2. Excuse me, how can I get to the hotel? (同义句转换) Excuse me, which is ____ ____ ____ the hotel? 3. My home is about five kilometers away from here. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ is your home from here? 4. We must never play on the street. (改为祈使句) _______ ______ on the street.;We learn: 1. some words: safe, hurt, lose, rule, sign, both, third, last, ticket, speed 2. some phrases: traffic accident, get hurt, lose one’s life 3. some sentences: No parking! We must… W


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