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Unit 1 British Cultures Zhang Hua: 匹配题(1分)1分 (计分规那么按匹配正确项计分)答集 Molly: 匹配题(1分)1分 (计分规那么按匹配正确项计分) 匹配题(1分)1分(计分规那么:按匹配正确项计分)提示 答案International Women's Day (IWD) in 2011 AOne hundred years ago BThe global economy CInvesting in women and girls through the education sector DIn many countries and societies E查词义并造句,加深对关键词的理解。 Key Words: accessequality diversity简答题(1分) Access:入口;通道:获得某事的路径、条件。Equality in society is absolutely, and fundamentally, linked to equality in access to education. Equality:平等。Equality and diversity is not entirely a "numbers game". Diversity:多样'性;差异。Equality and diversity is not entirely a u numbers game". 英译汉。 .Equality and diversity is not entirely a “ numbers game ” . 简答题(1分)平等和多样性并不完全是一场“数字游戏”。 .Equality in society is absolutely, and fundamentally, linked to equality in access to education. 简答题(1分)社会的平等是绝对和根本上与受教育的平等相联系的。 .For many students, university is the place where they will be first exposed to different cultures and different people. 简答题(1分)对于许多学生来说,大学是他们首先接触到不同文化和不同人的地方。 .Equality in society can be promoted by equality and diversity at university. 简答题(1分)大学的平等和多样性可以促进社会的平等。 .The benefits of university as a positive, diverse environment must be seen by students. 简答题(1分)大学作为一个积极的、多样化的环境的好处必须被学生看到。 Dear Mayor: I am a student from the Open University of China. I am writing to draw your attention to the fact that the equality of nine -vear compulsory education has caused some problems. Recently, the school will soon start, the contradiction will appear again. For example, schools require students to take school day care and evening care. What's worse, it has seriously affected students' rest. To solve these problems, in my opinion, you can take some measures to improve the situation. On the one hand, you can take some general practices and make rules and regulations. On the other hand, you can also punish those who make up for it against the wind. Only in this way can we give students a wonderful childhood.. I would be very grateful if you coul


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