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The Warren Buf fett Way, First Edition “The Warren Buf fett Way outlines his career and presents examples of how his investment techniques and methods evolved and the important individu- als in the process. It also details the key investment decisions that produced his unmatched record of performance. Finally, the book contains the think- ing and the philosophy of an investor that consistently made money using the tools available to every citizen no matter what their level of wealth.” Peter S. Lynch bestselling author, One Up On Wall Street and Beating the Street “Robert Hagstrom presents an in-depth examination of Warren Buffett’s strategies, and the ‘how and why’ behind his selection of each of the major se- curities that have contributed to his remarkable record of success. His ‘home- spun’ wisdom and philosophy are also part of this comprehensive, interesting, and readable book.” John C. Bogle Chairman, The Vanguard Group “Warren Buffett is surely the Greatest Investor of this century—not so much because he built a great fortune with a free market as because he shared his important thinking with us and has openly demonstrated the sagacity and



