《道连格雷的画像》中所反映出的奥斯卡王尔德的性格特征 --毕业论文.doc

《道连格雷的画像》中所反映出的奥斯卡王尔德的性格特征 --毕业论文.doc

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【标题】《道连?格雷的画像》中所反映出的奥斯卡?王尔德的性格特征 【作者】谭 津 【关键词】奥斯卡?王尔德;艺术;美丽;道德;人性 【指导老师】张亚军 曾琳玲 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. Introduction Oscar Wilde?(1854-1900), a famous poet, dramatist, novelist and art critic, was the representative of British aesthetics in the late 19th century. He was born in Dublin, Ireland. His father was a doctor. His mother was an intellectual. When he was young, he has shown his extraordinary characteristic. He was especially fond of learning and contemplating. Educated at Trinity College Dublin and then at Oxford University, he was deeply affected by the famous critic Walter Pater. Then, he started his art career and specialized in writing in London.? In 1891, Oscar Wilde finished his only river novel: The Picture of Dorian Gray. The novel is about such a ridiculous story: The painter Basil Hallward made a picture for the young and charming man: Dorian Gray, however, the unchangeable and eternal beauty of his own in the picture caused severe jealousy of Dorian Gray. He made an absurd wish that he was always to be young and the picture was to grow old. Surprisingly, his wish came true. After he was completely misled by Henry Wotton, pursued for the enjoyment of luxury and evil, gradually went into the wrong track, his beauty remained beautiful and charming. But his picture increasingly grew older and uglier. All the evil things he made were reflected on the changes of the picture. At last, he could not bear the torture any more. He stabbed the picture with a knife. Yet the knife did not stab the picture but him. He tried to destroy the picture, but at that moment killed himself. Meanwhile, the picture returned to its initial beauty and charm.? The novel is said to be the best representative of the aesthetic taste and paradoxical theory of Oscar Wilde. In the novel, Oscar Wilde discusses the relation between art and morality. All the plots and characters are developed in accordance with the conflict between beauty and morality. The three main characters: Bas


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