Comparative P&L Statements--13 Months Comp.doc

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To: General Accounting Cc: Stanley Yu; Albert Law; Thomas Chui; Angela Koo; Brain Liao; Tracy Deng; Other Function Team Date: Subject: Comparative P&L Statements--13 Months Comp Ref. No.0064 General Introduction 总体介绍 Comparative P&L statements (Comp P&L) are used to consolidate same store’s P&L this year versus last year. The “Comp P&L” is a tool used by both operations and finance to track the improvement of same store sales/gross profit/expenses/other income and income before tax. 比较损益表将同一家店的本年数据与去年数据并列列示,用于从营运和财务的角度,跟踪一家店在销售/毛利/费用/其他收入/税前收入等方面的改进情况。 Starting from May 1st 2006, China will implement new rules of comp. 从2006年05月1日起,沃尔玛中国将执行新的比较损益表规则。 Old Rules 旧规则 For a store to qualify and be part of the consolidated “Comp P&L” it must be in operation for a minimum of 13 months prior to a year-end period. Comparison status is only changed once a year, at the beginning of a fiscal year. 一家店要达到可比较店的条件是:在年末已经营了至少13个月。可比状态在财政年度的开始时更新,且每年只更改一次。 Example: Store XXXX opens on Oct 03, 2004. The store will not qualify for “Comp P&L” status until Jan 1, 2006. 例如: XXXX店于2004年10月03日开业,那么XXXX店只有到2006年01月01日才成为可比较店。 New Rules 新规则 The new rules for reporting comp are as follows: General (基本概念) A store or club will be considered comp on the start of the 13th month after its opening date, and it can go on comp at the first of any month of one year. 一家店达到可比较店的条件是:从开业日起至少营运13个月,且在一年中的任何月份只要满足此条件就可以成为可比较店。 Example: Store XXXX opens on Apr 15, 2005. The store will not qualify for “Comp P&L” status until May 1, 2006. 例如:XXXX店于2005年04月15日开业,那么XXXX店只要到2006年05月01日就可成为可比较店。 Total box reporting (i.e. total store) will be based on the base division (i.e. division 01 or 18). If the base division is a comp division, the store is a comp store. Comp sales are based on the sales of all comp divisions. 根据一家店的基



