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Lesson one Preparing for sea 备航 Dialog A: Preparing for sea 对话1: 准备开航 Captain: Chief Engineer. The cargo work will be completed by 1900 hours today. I prepare to sail at 2000 hours. Please standby engine at 1900 hours. Is there anything abnormal? Chief Engineer. 船长: 轮机长,预计今天1900时完货,我们准备2000时开航,请在1900备车,有异常情况吗,轮机长? Chief Engineer: I will go down the engine room to standby engine by 1900 hours. There isn’t abnormality found. 轮机长: 我会在1900时下机舱备车,没有发现异常情况。 Captain: Please check the quantity of fuel oil, diesel oil, lube oil, as we will start a long voyage. 船长: 请再检查一下燃油,柴油,润滑油的数量,因为我们马上要开始长航次了。 Chief Engineer: How long will it take? Captain. 轮机长: 要多久呢?船长? Captain: We will sail to New York. It will take 30 days. I suppose. 船长: 我们开往纽约,我想大约要30天。 Dialog B: Search for Stowaways and Pirates 对话2: 搜查偷渡者 Captain: We will sail at 2000 hours. Agent has just disembarked. Please hoist gangway now. Arrange all deck hands to search all spaces thoroughly for stowaways and pirates. Remember, work in pairs. 船长: 我们准备2000时开航,代理刚刚下船,请现在收舷梯,安排甲板人员彻底搜查所有空间,以防偷渡者和海盗上船,记住,要结队进行。 Chief Officer: Yes, sir. I will arrange work gangs now. Anyway, when will be a good time for us to check all formalities? 大副: 遵命,我将马上安排工作人员,此外,我们什么时候核对检查手续? Captain: As soon as we finished searching for security reasons. 船长: 在完成全船搜索后就进行。 Dialog C: Check All Documentation and Formalities 对话3: 检查文件和手续 Captain: Chief, let’s check all documentation and formalities for next port. 船长: 大副,让我们检查下一港所有的文件和手续。 Chief Officer: My pleasure, sir. 大副: 愿意效劳,先生。 Captain: Firstly, last port clearance, record of PSC inspection, imported cargo manifest, declaration of personal articles, oh, could you check all certificates? 船长: 首先,上一港结关手续,PSC检查记录,进口货清单,个人物品申报单,噢,你能检查一下证书吗? Chief Officer: All certificates are well locke



