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【标题】?《红字》中罪与罚的对立 【作者】肖 潇 【关键词】??罪??罚??清教主义 【指导老师】赵洪尹 【专业】英语教育 【正文】 1. Introduction 1.1 Life and Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. His ancestors were prominent in the affairs of the colony. When his father was lost at sea, he was only four years old. The circumstance pushed him toward more isolated pursuits. Hawthorne’s childhood left him overly shy and bookish, and molded his life as a writer.? Nathaniel’s early education was informal; he was home-schooled by tutors until he entered Bowdoin College in 1821. Hawthorne turned to writing after his graduation from Bowdoin College. His first novel, Fanshawe?(1828), was unsuccessful and Hawthorne himself disavowed it as amateurish, but he wrote several successful short stories, including My kinsman, Major Molyneax, Roger Malvin’s Burial and Young Goodman Brown. However, insufficient earnings as a writer forced him to enter a career as a Boston Custom House measurer in 1939. After three years Hawthorne was dismissed from his job. On July 9, 1942, Hawthorne married Sophia Peabody. Form 1842 to 1846 they lived in Concord, at that time the center of the transcendental movement. During the four years he lived in Concord, Hawthorne wrote a number of tales that were later published as Mosses from an Old Manse?(1846). They include?“Roger Malvin’s Burial”?“Rappaccini’s Daughter” and?“Young Goodman Brown”. In 1851, Hawthorne left Salem for a temporary residence in Lenox, where he enjoyed the friendship of the novelist Herman Melville1, an admirer of Hawthorne’s work at Lenox. Hawthorne wrote The House of the Seven Gables?(1851), in which he traced the decadence of Puritanism in an old New England family, and A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys?(1852) and Tangle wood Tales for Girls and Boys?(1853), which retold classical legends. During a short stay in west Newton, Massachusetts, he produced The Snow-Image and other Twice-Told Tales?(1852), which showed his con


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