专题口译电子教案 Unit 5 Population.docVIP

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Unit 5 Population Week One Skills: Interpreting figures I (Figures switching) Materials: textbooks and supplementary materials Procedure: I. Instructor’s explanation---difference between Chinese and English figures Figure interpreting constitutes a highly difficult problem to beginners. This is because Chinese and English have different ways of expressing numbers. In Chinese, we have a series of numerical characters to express particular figure, e.g. 十、百、千、万、百万、千万、亿、十亿…, which are actually the multiples of “十”. But in English, there are no equivalents of “万” and “亿”. Relevant figures have to be converted on the basis of “thousand”, “million” and “billion”. As a result, interpreter trainees often feel handicapped in their desperate attempt to make the conversions. Another reason is that figure, which are illogical in nature, are extremely difficult to remember. No matter how good an interpreter’s memory is, he/she cannot expect to memorize all figures, especially big ones. It is obvious that without prior training, one can hardly avoid making mistakes. Only through intensive training can we achieve proficiency in handling this problem. ---熟记几个基本单位的转换 1万=ten thousand 10万=one hundred thousand 100万=one million 1000万=ten million 1亿=one hundred million 10亿=one billion ---掌握记录方法。在口译过程中,如果遇上数字(尤其是多位数的数字)频繁出现,单靠大脑记忆就不够了,这时需要笔记来辅助记忆。将阿拉伯数字与中文和英文数字单位结合起来用。 ---除了记下数字本身以外,更重要的是确保记住与数字有关的内容,即 “What is the number about?”。如果光是记下数字,而忘了这个数字是关于什么的,那么这个数字就没有任何意义了。 ---数字由于没有逻辑意义,不能通过理解来推理,所以在必须一次记准确,这就要求译者对两种语言表达数字的方式十分熟悉,要能做到听到一个数字就能即时正确译出,近乎机械反映。在练习的时候要清楚的知道每一位数字在译入语中相对的表达,这样才能在记下数字后很快的确定第一位数字的位置以迅速正确地翻译。要如此,在练习的时候要不厌其烦,不断增加数字的长度,反复对译。 ---另外尤其要注意数字出现零的情况,避免陷阱。 Expressions: 达到 reach, total, number, total, peak at, be…in total 占%: account for, take up; constitute; make up 上升:rise, increase, climb, jump, skyrocket, augment, up 下降: fall, drop, decline, decrease, precipitate, down 稳定/波动: level out/off, remain stable, fluctuate, stand/stay at, to reach a peak II. Exercises Ex. 1 197, 3


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