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* * * 大容量快速轨道交通(MRTS) 项目方提出大容量快速轨道交通项目时,斯里兰卡政府正在为解决市内交通问题头疼。项目方愿意自行筹资做该项目的预可研,这一点对政府特别有吸引力。 该项目的非应标建议书提交给部长内阁。经批准,将就在科伦坡主市区实施大容量快速轨道交通项目进行预可研。 可行性研究分两阶段进行:(1) 预可研报告阶段和(2) 具体项目报告阶段 (DPR) 预可研报告推荐了LRT系统,与科伦坡两条最拥堵的联络线平行,长度大约为22公里 大容量快速轨道交通 续 预算出资本成本(不包括土地成本、关税和销售税)。成本估算将在具体项目报告阶段进一步细化,因为在这一阶段将得出公乘人数预测、土质调查、地形分形与基础工程等方面的具体数字。 可能采取的融资方式为政府参股的BOT,按照年金模式偿还贷款 知名项目合作伙伴同融资方已在寻找之中 财务及技术谈判须由内阁委任的委员会或国家采购机构负责 结论 基础设施需求将继续增加 因此公私合作必将更多被采用 采购方式必须“适应项目” 投资价值必须提高 公私合作是漫漫长征 “基础设施五边形”策略有助于提高成功率 公私合作必须与其他采购方式配套使用 合适的项目负责人可以确保项目交工的效率 谢谢! * * * * * * * The first panel in this slide is familiar to us all. The numbers come from the World Bank’s PPI database, which tracks all investment in infrastructure projects with private participation across the developing world. The top line is for all developing countries; the bars are for the East Asia and Pacific region. The sharp increase in private investment in infrastructure in developing countries during the first half of the 1990s proved to be short-lived. The post-1997 slump in East Asia reflects both cycles in global capital markets and the investment climate in the region, including the impact of the financial crisis in countries such as Indonesia. Note that private flows to developing countries, including in East Asia, are still above the levels if the early 1990s. However, they have become much more cautious in terms of country risk, including assessments of the policy environment. But what is new and important here is the second panel, which comes from a survey of private investors completed for the flagship study. This shows that private investors are generally positive about increasing their infrastructure exposure in the region. This applies to both foreign and local investors. However, this positive sentiment is very selective among countries and is very contingent on policy improvements to reduce risk. East Asian investors are somewhat more optimistic than investors from outside the region, but a large majority



