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高三英语词汇拓展 Explanation and practice in particular = particularly 特别地;尤其 He stressed that point in particular. (过于)讲究的;苛求的,挑剔的[(+about/over)][(+wh-)] 她过分讲究吃。 2. seize: vt. 1. 抓住;捉住 The police seized an escaping criminal. 2. 夺取;攻占 The enemy seized the town after a violent attack. 3. 抓住(时机等),利用 ~ every minute/opportunity 4. 掌握,理解 ~ the main point 3. smooth away the difficulties 4. explode→ (n.)restore 恢复;修建 →(n.)___________________ · He is restored to health. 他恢复了健康。 The bridge has been restored since the end of war. 战争结束后,桥已修复。 6. appoint vt (1)任命,委派 ~~~one's appointment (with...) 守 [破坏] (与某人之) 约 __________ an appointment (with...) (与某人) 约定聚会之时间 at an____________________time 在约定时间 7. construct( a bridge/a theory) →(n.)_________________ →____________________(n.opp) 8. profession →_____________________(a.) 9. glory →______________________(a,) Win glory for our motherland! _____________ the glory of a sunset________________ 10. a steady increase _____________ as steady as a rock______________ The price of fruits remains steady._____________________ 11. ignore→(n.)_______________________ →(syn)_______________/_________________ 12. fortnight (义)____________________ decade (义)____________________ 13. symbol→(v.)_______________ 14. bother (1) vt ① ~’m sorry to ~could you tell me the way to the station?( = disturb) Don’t ~’s very tired now. ② 使…不安The problem has been ~① (为做某事) 费功夫,添麻烦 He didn’t even ~t (1)与……离婚、(尤用被动) 使…与…分开 divorce sb/sth from sth the divorced/married/single woman__________________ 16. mercy n. 1. 慈悲,怜悯;仁慈,宽容[U][(+on)] The commander showed mercy to the prisoners of war. 司令官对战俘十分怜悯。 at the mercy of have mercy on without mercy 17. dislike I dislike ____________(have) to get up early. I dislike __________ when people speak with their mouths full of food. 18. charge vt (1) cha


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