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单片机电子时钟的设计 摘 要 单片机自20世纪70年代问世以来,以其极高的性能价格比,受到人们的重视和关注,应用很广、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、Design of the singlechip electronics clock Abstract Single slice machine from published in 70's for 20 centuries, is compare with its very high function price, is value by people and pay attention to, apply very widely, develop very quickly. Single slice the machine physical volume is small,the weight is light,the anti- interference ability is strong,the environment haven't high request,the price is cheap,the credibility is high,vivid good,develop more easy. In order to having an above-mentioned advantage, at the our country, single slice the machine is broadly applied already to turn an equipment at industrial automation control,automatic examination,intelligence instrument appearance,home appliances,electric power electronics,the machine electricity integral whole etc. each aspect, but 51 machines is is a typical model most and have a representative most in each machine of a kind. This graduation design passes to its study and application, Take the AT89S51 chips as core, assist with the electric circuit of the necessity, design a simple electronics clock, it from the 4.5 V direct current power supply power supply, pass the figures tube can accurate manifestation time, adjust time。Arrive a study and design, develop thus soft,the ability of the hardware . Keywords:MCU AT89S51 electronics clock digital tube 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 前言 1 第二章 方案论证与比较 2 2.1数字时钟方案 2 2.2数码管显示方案 2 第三章 系统设计 3 3.1总体设计 3 3.1.1系统说明 3 3.1.2系统框图 3 3.2模块设计 4 3.2.1电源部分 4 3.2.2复位电路 4 3.2.3程序下载接口 5 3.2.4位选部分 5 3.2.5数码管的连接电路 6 3.2.6控制部分 6 第四章 原理图与PCB图 8 第五章 软件设计 9 5.1程序流程图 9 5.2源程序 11 第六章 总结 18 6.1物品清单与元件特性 18 6.2设计总结 19 参考文献(References): 20 致 谢 20 前言 时钟,自从它发明的那天起,就成为人类的朋友,但随着时间的推移,科学技术的不断发展,人们对时间计量的精度要求越来越高,应用越来越广。怎样让时钟更好的为人民服务,怎样让我们的老朋友焕发青春呢?这就要求人们不断设计出新型时钟。 现今,高精度的计时工具大多数都使用了石英晶体振荡器,由于电子钟,石英表,石英钟都采用了石英技术,因此走时精度高,稳定性好,使用方便,不需要经常调校,数字式电子钟用集成电路计时时,译码代替机械式传动,用LED显示器代替显示器代替指针显示进而显示时间,减小了计时误差,这种表具有时,分,秒显示时间的功


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