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学士学位毕业设计(论文) 基于单片机的温室微灌 控制器设计 学生姓名:崔鹏举 指导教师:梁春英 所在学院:信息技术学院 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 中国·大庆 2011 年 5 月 黑龙江八一农垦大学 本科毕业设计(论文)任务书 学生姓名 所在班级 导师姓名 导师职称 论文题目 题目分类 1.应用与非应用类:〇工程 〇科研 〇教学建设 〇理论分析 〇模拟 2.软件与软硬结合类:〇软件〇硬件〇软硬结合〇非软硬件 主要研究内容指标:主要参考文献:阶段规划: 开题时间 完成论文时间 专业审定意见:主任签字: 年 月 日 摘要 温湿度是影响土壤和农作物生长发育的重要因素。本课题设计的是一种基于单片机的温室微灌控制器设计系统,实现了对温室微灌实时控制,使管理人员可以实时掌握并控制了温室内的温湿度情况。 本文采用 STC89C52 单片机为控制核心,由DHT11温湿度传感器及1602字符型液晶模块构成温湿度采集及实时显示系统,实现对温室环境的温湿度精确测量与控制。本系统由上位机和下位机构成,下位机主要完成温室内温湿度的采集与处理,将其传至1602液晶显示,并做出判断实现超限报警,并且控制电磁阀控制土壤的湿度。同时,下位机还通过 RS232 总线将温湿度数据传至上位机,上位机可实时显示当前的温度与湿度值。该系统电路简单、工作稳定、集成度高,调试方便,测试精度高,具有一定的实用价值。 关键词: 单片机; 温湿度; 微灌; ABSTRACT Temperature and humidity is affected soil and crop growth and development of important factor. This topic design is a kind of greenhouse microspray irrigation based on based on single chip microcomputer controller design system, realize the real-time control, makes greenhouse microspray irrigation management personnel can real-time grasping and control of temperature and humidity in greenhouse. This paper adopts STC89C52 microcontroller as control core, and humidity sensor and by DHT11 1602 character type LCD module composition warehouse temperature and humidity acquisition and real-time display system, realize the warehouse environment temperature and humidity measurement and control precision. This system consists of a PC and lower level institution into a machine mainly completes, the temperature and humidity in the warehouse gathering and processing, its spread to 1602 LCD display, and judge, and realize overrun alarm control electromagnetic valve control soil humidity. Meanwhile, lower level computer through RS232 bus will temperature and humidity data preach first place machine, PC can real-time display the current temperature and humidity value. The experiment result shows that this system circuit is simple, stable work, and integration is high, convenient debug, high measurement precision, has certain practical value. Keywords: SC


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