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PAGE 44 PAGE 45 单片机直流电机伺服控制系统设计 摘要:随着电子技术、功率元件技术和高性能的磁性材料制造技术的发展,伺服控制直流电动机利用电子换向器取代了机械电刷和机械换向器。在各个领域得到了广泛的应用。 本文介绍了伺服控制直流电动机的发展及应用概况,全面分析伺服控制直流电动机的组成和原理。着重点介绍伺服控制直流电动机调速系统硬件电路设计的同时详细介绍了PWM功率转换电路的设计、PWM系统驱动电路的设计及其相关的保护电路。计算机控制已成为社会发展的趋势,在此还介绍了单片机系统的设计及其在调速系统中的应用。 关键词:伺服控制直流电动机;AT80C51;单片机;调速系统设计 Abstract: With the development of electronic technology, power component technology and high-performance magnetisable material manufacturing technology, brushing the direct current motor utilizes the reversing device of electron to replace the mechanical electric brush and reversing device of machinery. And it is widely used in each field. The text introduces the development and use of the direct current motor and the overview, analyse in an all-round way that there are not composition and principle which brushes the direct current motor. Emphasis point introduction is it brush direct current motor transfer speed systematic hardware circuit recommend PWM power change the design of the circuit in detail while the design to have, PWM system drives the design of the circuit and relevant protection circuit. Computer is it become social development trend already to control, recommend design, one-chip computer of system and in application in being systematic to transfer speed also here. Keywords: Have not brushed the direct current motor 8051 single-chip computer Adjust the speed to design systematically 目 录  TOC \o "1-3" \u 第1章 伺服控制直流电动机概述  PAGEREF _Toc262029745 \h 5 1.1 伺服控制直流电动机的特点  PAGEREF _Toc262029746 \h 5 1.2 伺服控制直流电动机的发展历史及研究应用现状  PAGEREF _Toc262029747 \h 6 1.3 本论文的主要内容  PAGEREF _Toc262029748 \h 8 第2章 伺服控制直流电动机结构及工作原理  PAGEREF _Toc262029749 \h 9 2.1 伺服控制直流电动机的基本组成  PAGEREF _Toc262029750 \h 9 2.1.1 电动机本体  PAGEREF _Toc262029751 \h 9 2.1.2 位置传感器  PAGEREF _Toc262029752 \h 10 2.1.3 电子换向线路  PAGEREF _Toc262029753 \h 11 2.2 伺服控制直流电动机的运行特性  PAGEREF _Toc


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