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Held in reserve 石油储备不许动 Calls to draw on the world’s strategic stockpiles should be resisted for now 要求启用全球战略石油储备的呼吁应予以抵制 Mar 10th 2011 | from the print edition TO SEE the wider effects of unrest in Libya, visit a petrol station. Americans now face prices of nearly $4 a gallon in some parts of the country. Europeans are suffering too. Spain, which gets 12% of its oil from Libya, has cut speed limits to conserve fuel stocks. 要看看利比亚动乱更广泛的影响就去参观下加油站。美国某些地区的油价已经飙至近4美金/加仑。欧洲也没好到哪去。西班牙有12%的石油都从利比亚进口,现在已经降低了限速标准来节约燃料库存。 Oil traders are preparing for a lengthy absence from world markets of much of Libya’s exports of 1.4m barrels a day (b/d). The International Energy Agency (IEA) reckons that around 1m b/d has stopped flowing as a result of fighting that shows no signs of abating. That looks optimistic. Several oil facilities have been damaged and only a handful of fully laden tankers have sailed since the fighting began. 石油交易商正在准备面对失去利比亚140万桶/天石油出口量的全球市场。国际能源组织IEA估测已经有大约100万通/天的石油量因为战乱而从市场上消失,且战乱在短期内并无停止的迹象。这都看似是乐观估计。一些采油设备已经被破坏并且自从战乱开始后只有少数几艘满载油轮出航。 Indications that other OPEC members would join Saudi Arabia in increasing output has relieved some of the pressure. The Saudis are set to pump an extra 700,000 b/d and Kuwait, Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates may add another 300,000 b/d. The price of a barrel of Brent crude, which had nudged $120, slipped back a bit this week. 其他OPEC成员将加入沙特阿拉伯,一同增加原油产出的迹象对市场压力稍有缓解。沙特准备每天多产出70万桶石油。科威特,尼日利亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国可能会在增加30万桶/天的产量。布伦特原油已经攀升至120美金/桶,这周稍有回落。 Prices are likely to remain high, however, on fears of further Arab unrest and as markets adjust to different patterns of supply. That has led to calls for governments to tap oil reserves. The biggest is America’s 727m-barrel strategic petroleum reserve (SPR), which lurks in caverns in Texas and Louisiana. The Japanese government controls the world’s second-largest reserves, with 320m barrels on tap, while European countries have a total of 420m. The reserves were set up in the wake


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