女大学生 幸福观.doc

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学 士 学 位 论 文 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: : 专 业: 完成日期: 幸福观,就是人们对幸福的根本看法,是人们的世界观、人生观的反映。对人生理想、人生目标和人生信仰的确立起着重要的作用。由于人们的生活目标不同,人们的幸福观也不同。受到历史条件、社会环境等因素的影响,不同时期、不同社会制度下生活的人的幸福观也是不同的。女大学生作为接受国家高等教育的特殊女性群体,其幸福观备受社会关注。然而,她们所处的年龄阶段正是从青春期向成熟过渡的阶段,思想观念还不够稳定,人生观和世界观也不够明确,部分女大学生的幸福观还较为模糊。现实中女大学生注重婚姻、家庭对幸福的影响,认同现实的满足与幸福的关系,对事业的追求低于男大学生,对现实幸福感较强而对未来幸福预期不足。因此,分析影响其幸福观形成的影响因素,进而在幸福观教育上加以合理的引导,帮助她们形成积极、正确的幸福观具有重要的意义。 幸福观是人们对自身所具备的生存与发展条件的一种肯定的情感验,是世界观和人生观的反映。我们的社会为每个人追求和实现幸福提供了基本条件。在全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的进程中,人们应该树立正确幸福观。 【关键字】 女大学生 幸福观 Abstract The concept of happiness, is the fundamental view of happiness is a reflection of people's outlook on life. Ideals, goals in life and the life of faith established to play an important role. Goals of people's lives, people's concept of happiness. Affected by historical conditions, social and environmental factors in different periods, the concept of happiness of the people living under different social systems are different. Female university students as the national higher education of special groups of women, their well-being concept of social concern. However, they are the age is from adolescence to mature transition stage, ideas are not stable enough, the life and world view is not clear enough, part of the female students of the concept of happiness is vague. Reality of female students to focus on marriage, the family happy, agree that the real satisfaction and happiness of the relationship between the pursuit of the cause of less than male students, strong real happiness and future well-being is expected. Therefore, the analysis of the impact of factors that affect their concept of happiness, and then in the education of the concept of happiness to be a reasonable guide to help them to form a correct concept of happiness is of great significance. The concept of happiness is a recognition of the emotional experience of people have their own survival and development conditions, a reflection of the worldview and outlook on life



