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内容摘要 由于数字技术的应用范围激增,以信息技术为中介,各种信息在同一个平台上得到了整合,传媒一体化的趋势日趋明显数字技术随着改革的深入制约我们媒体发展的根本原因与其说是经济基础和技术,不如说是传媒体制和观念。中西方社会在历史和社会发展阶段的差异造成了传播观念和媒介功能上的不同。可以借鉴跨国传媒集团的成功经验,但不可能完全采用跨国传媒集团商业化的作法 ABSTRACT With drastically expanded application of digital technique, and via information technology as a medium, a variety of information gets integrated on one same platform. The gradually apparent trend of global media integration has become the greatest factor that cause and speed up the press’s development. In the mean time, digital technology has affected the press’s micro environment. The great pressure from overseas mediums that have been exploring Chinese market has leaded domestic mediums to seek further and faster development by turning their organizations into medium corporations. However, issues and problems show as the domestic medium reform gets down to a larger extent. Turning mediums into corporations makes many mediums appear greater, but the medium productivity has not become any greater in fact. In terms of the current status, the ultimate reasons for the limited development of medium are the system and concepts, rather than the financial basis or techniques. Turning mediums into corporations is just part of the long-term strategy and a mean by which the domestic medium system is improved. The discrepancies in history and social development status of China and western countries cause the different concepts and functions of medium. We can mirror the success of transnational medium corporations for references, but cannot completely copy their practices and ways of commercializing the medium. Key words: numerical technique; the medium integration; the group turn 垄断与竞争的博弈 ――透视我国媒体集团发展进程 一直以来,我国新闻媒介同党政部门一样有行政级别,不同的行政级别对应了不同的政治地位1982年公布的《中华人民共和国宪法》,明确规定了传媒的“事业性质”。[1]也就是说,按照国家法律规定我国报纸、广播电视等媒体产权都由国家代表全体人民所有除了民营的节目公司和部分商业化小媒体行业报之外,绝大多数的媒体都属于企业化经营的事业单位。虽然一些民营资本和外资以各种形式进入了传媒业,但这些资本的权益没有得到国家法律的明确保护。年来,电脑的信息处理和电子通信的信息传递高度结合,产生了一系列新的信息通信媒介,同时,通信卫星与光纤的利用



