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学生毕业论文(设计) 存档编号:__________毕 业 论 文论文题目 从北方旱灾看中国农业保险问题 (英 文) Drought from the north to see the issue of China's agricultural insurance 学 院 江汉大学文理学院 专 业 金融(保险) 姓 名 学 号   指导教师 从北方旱灾看中国农业保险问题摘 要随着建设社会主义新农村战略的推进 ,农业保险的重要作用日益显现。,但是农村保险市场发展缓慢,农业风险保障缺乏,在最近的北方旱灾中,农业保险所发挥的作用与其应起的作用形成了巨大的反差。造成这种状况的重要原因是现有农业保险经营技术忽视了农业风险和农业保险的特殊性。农业保险作为一种政策性保险 ,要在政府的力量之下来进行推广和覆盖 ,需要政府、 保险公司和农民共同参与。本文从考察我国农业保险的现状及存在问题入手 ,在重点分析农业保险的必要性与作用之后 ,根据农户、保险公司、国家三者在农业保险中起到的不同作用,分别提出几点建议。以期对我国解决农业保险问题提供理论上的借鉴。关键词农业保险;北方旱灾;作用;Drought from the North to See the Issue of China's Agricultural InsuranceAbstractAlong with building a new socialist countryside strategy forward, the important role of agricultural insurance become more and more. However, the slow development of the rural insurance market, the lack of agricultural risk protection, in a recent drought in the north, agriculture, the role insurance should play a role in their forming a great contrast.This situation is an important reason is that the current neglect of the agricultural insurance business technology of agricultural risks and the special nature of agricultural insurance. Agricultural insurance as a policy of insurance, it is necessary to force the government to carry out the promotion and coverage of government, insurance companies and farmers to participate.This article from the study of the status quo of China's agricultural insurance and the existence of problems in the analysis focused on the need for agricultural insurance and the after effects, according to farmers, insurance companies, agricultural insurance in the state of the different roles played, respectively, to make a few suggestions. With a view to solve the agricultural insurance in China to provide a theoretical reference.Key wordsAgricultural insurance; Drought in the north; Role目录绪论…….................................................................................................................................... 1一、农业保险的作用..............................


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